1st Ward Community Zoning
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has affected the way 1st Ward Zoning First Looks and Site-Specific Zoning Meetings take place. Learn more HERE.
The 1st ward has a diverse group of residents, neighborhood associations, block clubs, and other community groups interested in land use, zoning, and development issues. Alderman La Spata uses a community based zoning review process, which centers community input in making decisions about development in the 1st Ward. The driving values of 1st Ward Community Zoning are transparency, fairness, and equity.
Please send feedback regarding zoning cases to zoning@the1stward.com.
Community Meeting Updates!
+ Past Meetings
1533 - 1535 West Fry On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, the 1st Ward Office will host a virtual zoning meeting on 1533 - 1535 West Fry. The meeting will be at 7pm.
Case: Proposed demolition of two existing residential buildings, to construct six residential condominium units on two parcels. Preliminary presentation here.
History: This is the second proposal at this address; the case was originally presented to the 1st Ward Office in summer of 2020, and was not brought forward for community review due to the bulk, density, and scope of the proposal. After ongoing discussions about the existing buildings, a community process began in winter 2020 with a 1st Look meeting at the Goldblatt's Building; and a community zoning referral to Eckhart Park Community Council. Press coverage appeared in Block Club Chicago (here). The 1st Ward Office has also received two letters of opposition from neighbors, necessitating a more thorough community process. Critical questions for review will include an analysis of viable alternatives; impact of proposed demolition and environmental concerns; and the scope of the proposed development. Comments are welcome at zoning@the1stward.com.
Meeting Invite The meeting will be available via Zoom, and hopefully simulcast on Facebook Live (https://www.facebook.com/The1stWard/). Please email zoning@the1stward.com if you would like the Zoom passcode.
1437 North California On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, the 1st Ward Office will host a virtual zoning meeting on 1437 North California. The meeting will be at 7pm. If you would like access to the meeting, please email zoning@the1stward.com, and also check https://www.facebook.com/The1stWard/ for a potential simulcast.
The 1st Ward Office needs your help! We are conducting a plan review of 1800 - 1806 North Monticello. You can find the plans and our questionnaire here: https://forms.gle/CTvhXagXqcnBoftk9
Who works on community-based zoning in the 1st Ward? Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office work with numerous groups on matters of zoning, development, and planning. View a map!
Are you a developer or property owner potentially interested in a zoning map amendment? Please use the following developer's form to provide your proposal to Alderman La Spata's office.
Zoning Cases
This section includes lists and descriptions of current and previous 1st Ward Zoning Cases. This list will be updated in real time, as new details or updates emerge, to ensure that the reader will have the most accurate understanding of a case. If you have any questions, or would like to report any errors, please email zoning@the1stward.com.
Active cases currently in Committee on Zoning
+1628 West Division
This is an Aldermanic introduction to reset the Planned Development zoning district at the subject property to its original underlying zoning. The Wicker Park Committee has provided a letter of support to Alderman La Spata and the Committee on Zoning. The Ordinance is available here.The City Clerk record is available here. The original Planned Development Ordinance is available here.
+ 1420 North Milwaukee
(Deferred from October 15, 2019 and November 19, 2019 Committee on Zoning. O2019-6856, Application 20152). Proposed rehabilitation of four-unit mixed use building with ground floor retail, to create an eight-unit mixed use building. No changes to the exterior footprint of the building. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the case, and has not provided a recommendation of support. Deferred to complete community process, including resolution of Landmark District concerns. [City Clerk information available here]. Plans available here.
Active Cases (31) — 10 Cases Under Community Review (June 25, 2020)
+ Potential Cannabis Cases
1266 - 1268 North Milwaukee Proposed adult use cannabis dispenary. 1st Ward Office received developer's packet and Plat of Survey, awaiting proposed plans and designing community process.
1914 West Chicago Working with applicant and East Village Association to determine community zoning process. In late 2019, East Village Association provided support letter for adult use cannabis dispensary.
1370 North Milwaukee Originally proposed by an existing medical cannabis dispensary, applicant opted not to pursue this location at the Zoning Board of Appeals adult use recreational cannabis lottery. Currently under review for another potential dispensary-related request; awaiting more information from applicant.
2424 West North Case referred to West Bucktown Neighborhood Association Zoning Committee. Awaiting more information from applicant.
2501 North Western Working with applicant on specific details to determine potential community process. Awaiting more information from applicant.
3129 West Armitage Working with property owner and applicant to determine potential community process. Awaiting more information from applicant.
Active Cases -- Under Community Review (2020)
2317 West Iowa Proposal for zoning map amendment to rehabilitate existing six-unit building, and add two basement units to bring the total on-site units to 8. Awaiting development intake form, and also reached out to our Ukrainian Village Neighbors for advice on proceeding with community review.
1926 West Race Proposal for zoning map amendment to resolve construction issues related to an in-process addition at the subject property. Property is existing single-unit residence and will remain single-unit residence. Case was submitted with signatures of support from adjacent residents and referred to our Chicago Grand Neighbors to determine adequate community process. Plans available here.
1349 West Ancona Proposal to build one single-unit residence with parking on a substandard lot. Original inquiry received February 2020, plans received April 2020 (available here). Currently under review at 1st Ward Office to determine potential community process and awaiting more information about COVID-19 orders. [1]: https://chicago.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?GUID=2DFE1357-E294-49CD-914B-632D1D01D70E&ID=4335586&Options=Advanced&Search=
2320 North Milwaukee Proposal to rehabilitate existing commercial and residential / live-work spaces to develop 8 residential dwelling units above a commercial space. Currently working with applicant regarding details about existing tenants at the property.
1437 North California Proposal to redevelop large vacant lot, fronting both California and Fairfield, with approximately 34 units of infill development. The proposal includes two separate buildings to replicate infill development on both California and Fairfield. The proposed tenure may include both condominium and rental units. Applicant has significantly revised proposal since original submittal (between 50 - 60 unit proposal received in autumn of 2019); first community meeting occurred Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Community feedback is currently under review to inform next steps.
2013 North Point Proposal to demolish existing two-unit residential property, in order to construct seven townhome / condominium project (initial proposal was for eight townhomes; new concept with reduced unit count received March 31, 2020). This appeared during the 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night, February 27, 2020 (1958 North Milwaukee, 6pm to 8pm); 1st Ward Staff referred review to Greater Goethe Neighbors, with staff concept review notes, to determine additional community zoning process. Substantive critique from the 1st Ward "First Look" meeting was sent to Greater Goethe Neighbors and development team (more affordable units; less bulk and density; and more greenspace were substantive critiques).
3600 West Cortland Proposal to demolish existing auto-oriented use, to construct seven unit residential rental project. This case appeared during the 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night, February 27, 2020 (1958 North Milwaukee, 6pm to 8pm); concept is currently under review with the development team and 1st Ward staff, along with additional community feedback collected from an email listserv of neighbors on West Cortland.
1327 – 1329 North Western (Proposal Number 3 at this address) – inquiry regarding multi-unit condominium development with ground-floor residential, including 8 units for sale around $450,000. Currently working with owner of full zoning lot and Zoning Administrator regarding lapsed Type-1 zoning for an existing proposed project, which will need the zoning district re-set (see Chicago Zoning Ordinance 17-13-0311). Alderman La Spata introduced ordinance to re-set lapsed Type-1 zoning at December 18, 2019 City Council meeting, and is expected to hear this case at the February, 2020 Committee on Zoning meeting. City Clerk information for re-setting Type-1 zoning.
Regarding new proposal for 8 unit condominium development, the applicant attended a 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night meeting (January 23, 2020); Wicker Park Committee heard the case on Tuesday, 28, 2020, voting to oppose the application: "The Committee opposes first floor residential at this site." The applicant is proposing to return with a commercial and residential building on the site.
1800 – 1806 North Monticello Proposal to construct two 3-unit buildings on existing parking lot, and rehabilitate existing multi-unit building to add a basement dwelling unit. Currently determining community process, no specific plans available. Community process began with a 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night meeting (January 23, 2020).
1533 – 1535 West Fry (2nd Proposal at this address) Proposed demolition of two existing residential buildings, to construct six residential condominium units on two parcels. Community process began with a concept review meeting at Goldblatt's Building (West Town Public Library) on Tuesday, January 14, 2020; case referred to Eckhart Park Community Council for review. Preliminary presentation available here.
+ Active Cases (transitioned from 2019)
1920 North Sawyer Proposed demolition of existing single-unit residential, to build multi-unit residential building (3 units within a two-story building). Currently working on community process, which included a community meeting on November 6, 2019. Proposed elevations available here; proposed floorplans available here; plat of survey available here.
1536 West Ohio Proposed demolition of existing three-story, 3 unit building to construct 9 unit rental building. Reviewed by Eckhart Park Community Council (recommended approval); 1st Ward office sought additional input from Chicago Grand Neighbors Association due to this property’s nature as a border zoning case (recommended approval). Currently awaiting additional information about existing property, and determining additional community process due to the proposed bulk and density of this project. Plans available here.
1212 North Milwaukee Proposed rezoning of Business to Commercial district to develop a convenient store at this location. Awaiting information from applicant; case referred to Wicker Park Committee.
Active Cases -- Inquiries Only
1358 West Ohio 1st Ward Office received request for ad hoc re-zoning of a vacant parcel from Residential Single-Unit District to Residential Multi-Unit District. Provided 1st Ward community zoning and developer packet documents, awaiting a specific proposal to determine community review (received June 2020).
2010 West Superior 1st Ward Office received preliminary inquiry about this address. Concept discussion included demolition of existing property, as well as infill development of vacant adjacent lot. 1st Ward Office provided intake documents to developer, awaiting more information (received June 2020).
521 North Ashland 1st Ward Office received preliminary inquiry about this address. Developer Packet and Community Zoning documents were provided (received May 2020).
1313 - 1317 North Moorman (2nd inquiry at this address. First calls to office received throughout 2019). Preliminary inquiry regarding redevelopment proposal along the Blue Line. 1st Ward Office provided intake documents to developer, awaiting more information.
1503 West Walton Preliminary inquiry to demolish existing two-story residence to build a 3-story, 3-unit condominium building. Awaiting specific plan proposal (received February 2020).
1736 North Richmond Preliminary inquiry to produce multi-parcel infill development. Awaiting additional information (received February 2020).
1736 - 1738 North Washtenaw Preliminary inquiry to demolish existing two-unit dwelling, to build a multi-unit building on two parcels. Potential six unit building was the first inquiry. Awaiting plans and formal proposal (received February 2020; continued inquiries through June 2020, no response to intake packet).
2103 West Chicago Preliminary inquiry to redevelop multi-unit building. Awaiting formal proposal (various requests received 2019 through February 2020. Latest request received April 2020 under new representation, 1st Ward Office is working on corroborating details between the various proposals).
725 North Hoyne Proposed zoning map amendment to bring a first-floor tavern into conformity with adjacent residential area. Awaiting additional information (received January 2020).
1523 West Fry Proposed zoning map amendment to bring an existing four-unit residential building into conformance with the zoning code. Awaiting additional information (received January 2020). As of April 2020, 1st Ward Office is negotiating project details with applicant to fully understand the scope of the proposal.
1931 North Whipple Inquiry to demolish existing two-unit residential building, to establish a four-unit luxury condominium project. Received development packet and preliminary plans (received January 2020; updated March 2020).
2347 West Huron Preliminary inquiry, awaiting specific proposal to determine community process (received January 2020).
Approved Cases (22) (16 new cases; 6 transitional cases from previous administration)
Note (April 16, 2020): Links are temporarily under construction due to inconsistencies (errant link paths) viewed on the website.
May 29, 2019 City Council: No cases approved.
No cases.
+ June 12, 2019 City Council
No new cases approved. Transitional cases, previously reviewed by community groups and Alderman Moreno under the previous 1st Ward Zoning process, were released from Committee on Zoning (1300 N Milwaukee; 1330 N Leavitt; 1474 W Ohio; 1511 W Erie). Following additional case research; negotiations; and discussions with neighbors and community members, additional transitional cases from Alderman Moreno’s tenure were released from Committee on Zoning (2940 W Lyndale and 3601-3611 W Cortland were released for July 24, 2019 meeting).
+ 1572 North Milwaukee
(SO2019-4213, Application 20055-T1). Applicant proposed rezoning existing B2-2 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District to C1-3 Neighborhood Commercial District, in order to establish a retail facility with incidental medium event space in the 1st Floor and basement of the existing four-story building. No changes were proposed to the footprint of the building, or to the additional floors of the interior. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the project (approved June 2019); 1st Ward Office elected no additional meetings due to the scope of the proposed use within this transit-served Milwaukee Avenue corridor, and due to no proposed changes to the remainder of the building. Passed City Council on July 24, 2019. [City Clerk Case information], which includes Type 1 Zoning map Amendment plans.
+ 1529 West Chicago
(SO2019-3425, Application 20026). Applicant proposed to rezone building from B1-3 to B3-2 to allow a ground floor restaurant use with incidental liquor component. Project includes no proposed changes to the existing building. West Town Chamber of Commerce reviewed and approved the proposed business (approved June 2019). 1st Ward Office elected to host no additional meetings since the project proposed no changes to the existing footprint, and the proposed density of the building decreased (from -3 to -2 in the Business District). Passed City Council on July 24, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information].
+ 1510 North Talman
(O2019-3893, Application 20035). Applicant proposed to rezone existing RS-3 district to RT-4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse, and Multi-Unit District, in order to bring existing multi-unit dwelling into conformance with the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. An adjacent lot was previously rezoned to construct an additional multi-unit building. Since the adjacent zoning change was already approved, the 1st Ward elected not to host additional community meetings because this zoning change included no changes to the footprint of the existing building. Passed City Council on July 24, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information]. Previously approved zoning change at 1508 North Talman available [here].
+ 1248 North Paulina
(O2019-5523, Application 20076-T1). Applicant proposed to rezone from B3-2 to B2-3 to bring existing non-conforming ground floor residential unit into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, and expand the upper unit in accordance with B2-3 density. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the project (approved August 2019); 1st Ward Office elected no additional community meetings given the scope of the existing use and the scope of the proposed rehabilitation. Passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans.
+ 2209 North Campbell
(O2019-5528, Application 20081-T1). Applicant proposed to rezone existing three-story, 6 dwelling unit building in order to bring it into conformance with the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. On an adjacent side lot, the applicant proposed to construct a single-unit residence. Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association reviewed the case (approved spring 2019); after additional negotiations and discussions with the applicant, 1st Ward Office held no additional community meetings because the zoning change provided to changes to the footprint of the existing building. A single-unit residence may be constructed by right in the RS-3 district. Passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. Full letters and documents from zoning attorney available [here].
+ 1838 West Grand
(SO2019-5560, Application 20122-T1). Applicant proposed to change zoning from M1-2 to B1-3 in order to allow for a commercial space on the ground floor of the existing building, which also includes 3 residential units (as existing). No parking exists at the property, and applicant proposes no changes to the existing footprint and height of the building. Chicago Grand Neighbors Association reviewed the case (approved June 2019); 1st Ward Office hosted no additional community meetings since the existing footprint of the building will not be changed. After additional negotiations with the applicant and zoning attorney regarding the nature of the proposed commercial groundfloor use, passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans.
+ 1115 North Hermitage
(SO2019-2685, Application 20008-T1). Applicant originally proposed rezoning existing property to rehabilitate ground floor commercial storefront into residential unit, and adding additional dwelling units above the garage for a total of 8 dwelling units. Following extensive review from East Village Association (recommended denial), discussion with adjacent neighbors, and negotiations with the application, the approved project was reduced to converting the commercial storefront into two residential units (for a total of 5 dwelling units). Community process included numerous meetings with East Village Association and a community meeting at the 1st Ward Office (June 24, 2019). Originally deferred from the June 25 Committee on Zoning meeting, the project was approved with substitute narrative and a substitute ordinance document on September 18, 2019 City Council. [City Clerk Case Information]. City Clerk features Substitute Ordinance with [revised plans].
+ “The Hollander”: 2418 – 2428 North Milwaukee
(SO2019-6873, Application 20166-T1). Proposed rehabilitation of the existing five-story building (historically, the “Hollander” storage building), and construction of a lateral addition, for a commercial development including retail, lifestyle, and office uses; 16 on-site parking spaces are included, due to a reduction in required parking spaces according to the Transit Served Location portions of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Project approved based on a community process that included a “First Look” meeting (August 8, 2019); review of publicly available architectural plans with several residents at the 1st Ward Office throughout summer and autumn 2019; community review by Logan Square Preservation (approved November 2019); and a public meeting at the 1st Ward Office (November 12, 2019). The project continues to be under office review to ensure community benefits through construction hiring and commercial hiring processes; passed City Council on November 20, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. Revised plan set from community process (following Logan Square Preservation review) available [here].
+ 906 North Ashland
(O2019-6806, Application 20142-T1). Applicant proposed to re-zone condominium property from B1-2 to B1-3, in order to convert the 4th floor exterior open balcony to interior living space. This proposal increased interior livable space by approximately 160 square feet and required no additional changes to any other condominium units in the building, or any changes to the footprint of the building. Applicant received support from the Home Owners’ Association; 1st Ward Office worked with architect and applicant to ensure protocol for completing the enclosure of the porch; 1st Ward Office conducted no additional community meetings because there were no external changes proposed to the building. Passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. [Plans available here].
October 16, 2019 and October 23, 2019 City Council: no zoning changes.
No Cases.
+ 1460 North Milwaukee
(O2019-6874, Application 20167). Proposed rehabilitation and interior building out of existing three-story, 3 unit building, to allow for 5 dwelling units. In lieu of a voluntary Type 1 zoning change, Landmark District protections and a restrictive covenant regarding the proposed density and restoration of the façade ensure conformance with proposed plans. Wicker Park Committee (WPC) reviewed the case and recommended approval (August 2019), and 1st Ward Office pursued no additional meetings due to the scope of the proposal. First submitted to 1st Ward Office in August 2019 after WPC review; passed City Council on November 20, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information available here]. Proposed elevation [here]; proposed floor plans [here].
+ 1820 – 1830 West Grand
(SO2019-7956; Application 20210 – T1). Proposed rehabilitation of existing building, to allow a daycare use on the ground floor. The site includes seven existing parking spaces. This proposal includes no additions to the existing building footprint. Chicago Grand Neighbors Association reviewed the plans and recommended approval (July 2019); 1st Ward Office conducted no additional community meetings because there were no external changes proposed to the building. Passed City Council on November 20, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information].
+ “Teachers Village Chicago”
a/k/a 2600 – 2624 West Hirsch; 1401 – 1439 North Talman; and 1400 – 1436 North Rockwell. (Deferred pending Plan Commission. O2019-4017; Application 20045). Proposed rehabilitation of former Von Humboldt school building to a mixed-use building including approximately 102 dwelling units, community educational space, and retail space; and construction of five townhomes. Passed City Council on January 15, 2020. [City Clerk Case Information available here]. [Plans (August public meeting set) available here].
+ 2418 West Lyndale
Proposed demolition of existing three-story, 3 unit building to construct 4 unit condominium building. This began as a transitional case from spring 2019 under the previous office, with community review by Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association. After an initial recommendation not to pursue the zoning change, applicant worked with GGNA to change the bulk and floor area ratio of the proposal, while also agreeing to numerous aesthetic changes. Originally deferred from January 14, 2020 Committee on Zoning to complete community review, this application was approved at Committee on Zoning on February 13, 2020. [City Clerk information available here]
+ 1317 - 1333 North Western
Alderman La Spata worked with owner of this zoning lot and Zoning Administrator regarding lapsed Type-1 zoning for an existing proposed project, which will need the zoning district re-set ([see Chicago Zoning Ordinance 17-13-0311]). You can review the original zoning proposal from 2016 at the City Clerk's website (here). Alderman La Spata introduced ordinance to re-set lapsed Type-1 zoning at December 18, 2019 City Council meeting, and the Committee on Zoning approved this case on February 13, 2020. [City Clerk information for re-setting Type-1 zoning].
+ 1302 North Milwaukee
(Application number 20336, Ordinance number O2020-773 , introduced prior to February 19, 2020 City Council). Proposal to establish a recreational indoor miniature golf use, coupled with incidental alcohol use. Applicant has worked on project throughout 2019, when Public Place of Amusement license and Incidental Liquor license were obtained. Plans currently under review by Department of Buildings, who are requiring a zoning change in order to have a bar located on the premises. Wicker Park Committee will hear this proposal, and the 1st Ward office expects this case to appear at the March Committee on Zoning. [[City Clerk information here]]. https://chicago.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4335586&GUID=2DFE1357-E294-49CD-914B-632D1D01D70E&Options=Advanced&Search=
+ 2655 West Haddon
(Application number 20364-T1, Ordinance number O2020-1862, introduced prior to April 22, 2020 City Council). This proposal, originally received in September 2019, is to bring building into compliance with Chicago Zoning Ordinance to rehabilitate 9 existing units, with no changes to the existing footprint of the building. Communication with applicant stopped in November 2019; given submittal at City Council, project details will be reaffirmed with applicant, including provisions regarding rental levels and fair housing compliance for rented units. Original plan submittal is available here. City Clerk information here (including Ordinance). The Ordinance was approved at the Committee on Zoning on May 19, 2020, and reported to City Council at May 20, 2020.
Cases that were Denied or Suspended (9), Lapsed (24), or Uncertain (1)
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2019)
Denied Cases (7)
2455 North California Originally Deferred from September 10, 2019 Committee on Zoning (O2019-5531, Application Number 20084). Applicant proposes to rezone RS-3 single-unit district to RM 4.5 multi-unit district, to subdivide existing zoning lot into two separate zoning lots. On the new zoning lot, a three-story, 4-unit condominium is proposed next to existing three-story, 3-unit building. Originally deferred due to community process, which has included a “First Look” zoning meeting on July 22, 2019; review by Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association (recommended not to proceed, with counter-proposal for alternate development); and separate canvassing efforts by area residents and applicant; based on the full scope of community input, including opposition letters and recommendation not to proceed with four unit proposal, Alderman La Spata elected not to support the application. City Clerk Information available here. Plans available here.
1813 North Whipple (August 2019) -- proposed demolition of existing 2-story, four-unit residential building (rental ownership structure), to construct 3-story, eight-unit residential development (condominium ownership structure). Based on initial community outreach to 1st Ward zoning partners in Logan Square, and the bulk, density, and zoning conformity of the proposed use, Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this case forward to a full community process.
2902 – 2904 West Armitage (August 2019) – proposed demolition of existing two-story commercial space and second-floor residential use, to replace with four-story, 9 unit condominium building. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to lack of consistency with adjacent development, lack of zoning map consistency, proposed bulk and density of development, and viable “by-right” alternative (productive commercial space within existing low density commercial district). No project specific plans were submitted to 1st Ward office; a proposed rendering is available here; a proposed floor plan is available here.
2723 West Medill (August 2019) – proposed demolition of existing multi-unit building, to be replaced with 3.5 story, 6-unit condominium building with sale prices of $500,000. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to lack of conformance with adjacent development, lack of zoning map consistency, proposed bulk and density of development, and viable “by-right” multi-unit project (applicant may build a two-flat by right on a large zoning lot). Proposal package is available here.
2816 – 2818 West Lyndale (August 2019) – proposed four-unit condominium project to be built on existing vacant lot. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to lack of zoning map consistency, lack of consistency with adjacent development, proposed bulk and density of development, and viable “by-right” solution (existing RT-4 multi-unit zoning district). Proposal package is available here.
1836 North Albany (Deferred from June 25, 2019 Committee on Zoning; recommended denial from community zoning process. O2019-2663, Application 19997). Proposed demolition of existing legal non-conforming multi-unit residential use, to construct a three-story, 3 dwelling unit condominium building. After community process, which included one meeting (June 24, 2019), work with adjacent neighbors, and canvassing conducted by area residents, Alderman La Spata elected not to support this application. City Clerk Case Information. Proposed site plan is available here; a proposed floor plan is available here; and a proposed elevation is available here.
3520, 3531, and 3537 West Cortland (June 2019) – proposal of seven townhomes with sale prices of approximately $599,000, and four 3-flats across numerous lots. 19 total units proposed. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to failed negotiation regarding specific facts about the project. No specific plans were submitted to 1st Ward Office; a townhome rendering is available here; a multi-unit rendering is available here.
Case with "Uncertain" Status (1)
1806 North Monticello (Deferred under previous 1st Ward Office. Case pending updated application. See “Active Cases - Under Community Review”). According to 17-13-0309 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, “if the City Council does not take action on a proposed zoning map amendment within 6 months of the day the application is filed by the City Clerk with the City Council, the application will be considered to have been denied.” City Clerk Case Information.
Lapsed or Withdrawn Cases (17)
1838 - 1844 North Western (Deferred from June 25, 2019 Committee on Zoning. O2019-1347, Application 19958-T1). Proposed demolition of existing commercial use, to construct a six-story, 32 dwelling unit building with 5 parking spaces pursuant to the Transit Served Location provisions of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Deferred to complete community process, which included a community meeting on June 24, 2019. According to 17-13-0309 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, “if the City Council does not take action on a proposed zoning map amendment within 6 months of the day the application is filed by the City Clerk with the City Council, the application will be considered to have been denied.” City Clerk Case Information, which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. As of June 2020, ownership group will be moving forward with the originally approved project from 2017. Email zoning@the1stward.com for more information.
1815 – 1821 North California (Deferred from June 25, 2019 Committee on Zoning. O2019-1355, Application 19970-T1). Proposed four-story residential building with 20 dwelling units. This is a Type 1 zoning change, where the proposed zoning map amendment would be restricted to substantial compliance with the proposed plans. Deferred due to community process, which included a community meeting on June 24, 2019. According to 17-13-0309 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, “if the City Council does not take action on a proposed zoning map amendment within 6 months of the day the application is filed by the City Clerk with the City Council, the application will be considered to have been denied.” City Clerk Case Information, which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans.
1629 North Fairfield (November 2019). Proposed basement unit addition within existing multi-unit dwelling, to expand from 2 units to 3 unit dwelling. Applicant withdrew application following negotiations about specific project facts.
2612 West Cortland (Summer 2019). Proposed 3-unit multi-unit dwelling on existing vacant land. Applicant withdrew project, opting to sell land instead. West Bucktown Neighborhood Zoning Committee reviewed project plans and recommended denial of case; additional negotiations with applicant and community group stalled throughout summer 2019. City Clerk Case Information for O2019-2729, Application 20011.
1317 - 1333 N Western (Proposal Number 2 at this address, summer 2019). “PrimeCare” – potential non-profit redevelopment of existing vacant lot, to provide comprehensive health and well-being services. No update.
847 N Paulina (Summer 2019) – Rezone to add a unit and expand building during rehabilitation. No update.
2215 W North (Summer 2019) – proposed rehabilitation of orange-coded landmark church, to multifamily residential. Case was referred to Wicker Park Committee following a “First Look” meeting at the 1st Ward Office (August 22, 2019). No update. Proposed plans too large to upload; please email zoning@the1stward.com.
1549 N Oakley Potential inquiry regarding porch and deck. No update from applicant.
1542 N Western Proposed demolition to construct a 9-unit residential development. Applicant never followed up after initial negotiation of project details.
1317 - 1333 N Western (Proposal Number 1 at this address). Initial contact for a zoning inquiry, applicant never followed up
2739 W Haddon Potential basement apartment inquiry. Applicant never followed up
550 N Ogden Potential zoning inquiry. Applicant never followed up
1924 W Grand Initial contact for a zoning inquiry, specific proposal never materialized. Applicant never followed up
1753 N Maplewood Initial contact for demolition and redevelopment of manufacturing parcel to luxury housing concept. Applicant never followed up
2138 N Rockwell Initial contact for a zoning inquiry, specific proposal never materialized. Applicant never followed up
2450 North Milwaukee Inquiry regarding transit-served location residential development across from the former “Mega Mall” redevelopment, and adjacent to the recently-approved “Hollander” redevelopment. Currently determining community process. Applicant never followed up.
1900 Block of West Grand Inquiry regarding potential residential use; current manufacturing district adjacent to the Kinzie Industrial Corridor. Currently determining community process; reaching out to 27th Ward to propose joint-comprehensive planning effort on Grand Avenue. Applicant never followed up.
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2020)
Denied and Suspended Cases (2)
1509 West Ohio Preliminary inquiry to demolish existing residential property, in order to construct four-story, 3-unit project. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to failed negotiation regarding specific facts about the project, particularly based on MLS #10580786, which described the property as recently updated and a great condition rental including a tenant currently renting the property at $1,400. Under appeal from property owner, this application received additional community review with Eckhart Park Community Council. In a letter dated March 19, 2020, the Eckhart Park Community Council recommended against the zoning map amendment, based on the condition of the existing property, surrounding development trends, and the proposed housing (compared to the type of housing stock lost). Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward staff concur.
1512 West Ohio Eckhart Park Community Council has provided initial zoning review recommendation on a proposal at 1512 West Ohio, which requires revision of plans to demolish an existing frame residence and coachhouse to construct a 3-unit, four-story condominium building. Plans are available here. The Eckhart Park Community Council requested revised design for the proposal, and recommended against a zoning map amendment until such revisions are provided.
Zoning on the 1500 block of West Ohio is under comprehensive review by the 1st Ward office, based on the determinations for both 1512 West Ohio and 1509 West Ohio. Given recent development trends in the immediate area, the diverse housing stock throughout the block, the common zoning map practice of using prior zoning map amendments to argue for new zoning changes, and the determinations for these cases, the 1st Ward Office is reviewing the circumstances and impact of zoning changes in this area.
Lapsed Cases (7)
2820 West Lyndale Original inquiry in 2019 regarding three adjacent parcels, to build 40 dwelling units on existing vacant lot; was placed under review while working with applicant on potential alternative plans. Applicant proceeded with by-right development according to the existing zoning district.
2723 West Medill (2nd Proposal at this address. First denied in 2019). Preliminary inquiry regarding demolition of existing multi-unit residential, to construct four-unit (double duplex) development. Awaiting more information (received March 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
827 North Bishop Preliminary inquiry regarding multi-unit zoning at the subject property. Awaiting more information (received March 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
2140 West Superior Preliminary inquiry to add an accessory dwelling unit in the existing basement, which would require interior construction but no proposed change to the exterior (received February 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
1812 West Grand Preliminary inquiry regarding previous Type-1 Zoning Map Amendment (City Clerk Information here). Awaiting plans and formal proposal (various requests, 2019 through February 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
2637 West Fullerton Preliminary inquiry about potential zoning map amendment from B3-1 to B2-3. No specific plans submitted (received January 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
1438 North Artesian Preliminary inquiry to add accessory unit on ground floor of existing three-unit, four story residential building. Awaiting plans and formal proposal (received January 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2021)
Information forthcoming.
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2022)
Information forthcoming.