1st Ward Zoning Policy Goals
The 1st ward has a diverse group of residents, neighborhood associations, block clubs, and other community groups interested in land use, zoning, and development issues. Alderman La Spata uses a community based zoning review process, which centers community input in making decisions about development in the 1st Ward. The driving values of 1st Ward Community Zoning are transparency, fairness, and equity.
Please send feedback regarding zoning cases to zoning@the1stward.com.
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1st Ward Guiding Principles for Zoning and Development
AUGUST 1, 2023 UPDATE: Following a review of each State of the Ward, and four years of administering community-based zoning processes, the following policy principles are recommended for development. To further improve transparency for new zoning change proposals, the 1st Ward office intends to publish “case review codes” with each zoning proposal to ensure that zoning proposals match development principles.
Zoning changes in the 1st Ward should generally and specifically:
Encourage the Development of Affordable Housing. Department of Planning and Development data demonstrate that both the Logan Square and West Town community areas have shortages of affordable housing. Zoning changes and development processes should make it easier to construct affordable housing; encourage a diverse range of housing options to allow for a diverse group of neighbors to coexist; and, discourage development formats that make housing more expensive on a per-unit basis.
Implementation: The 1st Ward Office can assist Alderman La Spata in the implementation of this guiding principle by collecting development data that demonstrate the likelihood that each development delivers more affordable units; support the implementation of Municipal Code amendments, including a citywide Additional Dwelling Unit program and amendments to the Connected Communities / equitable Transit Oriented Development Ordinance (passed summer 2022, Substitute Ordinance 2022-2000); encourage rehabilitation of existing multi-unit housing through zoning change processes; where appropriate, petition City Departments for funding opportunities that finance affordable housing within 1st Ward zoning changes; encourage applicants to pursue the Cook County Assessor’s affordable housing programs; where appropriate, encourage zoning change applicants to increase on-site density to increase income-limited Affordable Requirements Ordinance units on-site.
Case Review Codes: To ensure transparent community review, case review codes for this development principle can include: (1) Preservation of Existing Multi-Unit Housing; (2) Additional Dwelling Unit development; (3) Transit-Served Location development (commonly called “TOD” or Transit-Oriented Development); (4) Affordable Housing Finance; and, (5) ARO Development.
Encourage Local Business Development. There are numerous business corridors in the 1st Ward that are seeing a consistent influx of new businesses following the very worst stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in many cases, there is a diversity of uses and services coming to 1st Ward neighborhoods thanks to these developments. Zoning change and development processes should encourage the co-existence of numerous types of businesses on a corridor; offer transparency and consistent community processes to each business applicant; connect numerous stakeholders to discuss controversial matters such as Public Place of Amusement licenses; expedite business development review wherever possible; encourage the development of local businesses within existing buildings; discourage the displacement of existing businesses.
Implementation: The 1st Ward Office can assist Alderman La Spata in the implementation of this guiding principle by publishing a Business Development website that outlines common 1st Ward business review processes; reviewing Liquor Moratorium and Packaged Goods Moratorium ordinances for relevance; publicizing Public Place of Amusement license applications via flyering, newsletter communications, and any other means of communication needed; reviewing 1st Ward business corridors to conduct a “census” of existing buildings, their uses, vacancy status, and other facts; reviewing 1st Ward business corridor zoning districts for relevance; preserving existing manufacturing zoning districts and referring applicants to economic development agencies that work within those districts; and, recommending against zoning changes that displace existing local businesses.
Case Review Codes: To ensure transparent community review, zoning change case review codes for this development principle can include: (6) Existing Business Zoning Change; (7) New Local Business Zoning Change; and, (8) Manufacturing Retention and Redevelopment.
Encourage Consistent Uses and Discourage Building Violations. There are cases when existing buildings may need a zoning map amendment in order to bring particular features into compliance with the Municipal Code. Zoning change and development processes should recognize this reality, and offer clear and consistent review policies for quickly and effectively assessing these situations.
Implementation: The 1st Ward Office can assist Alderman La Spata in the implementation of this principle by working with City departments to understand and resolve complicated zoning issues; and, collecting information from property owners to help them resolve complicated zoning issues.
Case Review Codes: To ensure transparent community review, zoning change case review codes for this development principle can include: (9) Municipal Code Correction.