1st Ward Zoning Archive (May 2019 - May 2023)
The 1st ward has a diverse group of residents, neighborhood associations, block clubs, and other community groups interested in land use, zoning, and development issues. Alderman La Spata uses a community based zoning review process, which centers community input in making decisions about development in the 1st Ward. The driving values of 1st Ward Community Zoning are transparency, fairness, and equity.
Please send feedback regarding zoning cases to zoning@the1stward.com.
ZONING UPDATE (added August 4, 2022) — New State of the Ward document available, more information below.
+ Past Meetings
This list begins with COVID-19 era meetings. You can read the 1st Ward Zoning State of the Ward from 2019 - 2020 for a list of pre-pandemic era zoning meetings.
1533 - 1535 West Fry On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, the 1st Ward Office will host a virtual zoning meeting on 1533 - 1535 West Fry.
1437 North California On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, the 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual zoning meeting on 1437 North California. The live simulcast is available via Facebook.
1512 West Ohio: On Monday, August 17, the 1st Ward office hosted a virtual zoning meeting on 1512 W Ohio.
2120 North Mozart: On Monday, September 14, 2020, the 1st Ward Office held a virtual meeting to discuss the proposed adaptive reuse of the Humboldt Park United Methodist Church, to accommodate 22 affordable housing units. Answers to the questions raised at the meeting are available here.
November 2, 2020: The 1st Ward Office hosted a 1st Ward First Look, for two cases: 2103 West Chicago (proposed redevelopment to create 7 total units) and 1317-1335 North Western (proposed five-story, 40 condo unit development).
November 24, 2020: The 1st Ward Office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for 1200 North Ashland (rooftop dining) and 2500 West Moffat (application withdrawn prior to meeting)
Monday, February 1, 2021: The 1st Ward office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for 1358 West Ohio.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021: Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward office hosted a community meeting on 1317 - 1335 North Western, a revised proposal to construct 38 for-sale condos.
Monday, April 19, 2021: The 1st Ward office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for 2619 West Armitage and one ADU proposal.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021: The 1st Ward office hosted a virtual meeting for 1837 N Monticello and 1800 - 1804 N Monticello.
Monday, April 26, 2021: The 1st Ward office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for 2934 West Medill.
Monday, May 10, 2021: The 1st Ward office hosted a 1st ward First Look for 1503 West Walton
Monday, June 14, 2021 The 1st Ward office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for three proposals: 1304 West Ohio; 1638 West Ohio; 1535 North Maplewood.
Monday, June 28, 2021 The 1st Ward Office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for the new owner of the Congress Theater. There is no proposed zoning change at the Congress Theater; a new development team is proposing to purchase the existing Planned Development to rehabilitate the Congress Theater with a combination of 3-to-5 retail storefronts; hotel space; 14 affordable housing units; and a 3,500 seat venue. The live simulcast is available on Facebook.
Monday, August 30, 2021 The 1st Ward Office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for three cases: 1932 North Fairfield (Proposed upzoning to facilitate rehabilitation and addition to existing multi-unit residence); 1509 West Fry Street (Proposed upzoning to facilitate rehabilitation and addition to existing multi-unit residence); and 1912 West Division (a current parking lot use that has the hardship of a utility easement in the rear of the property, which is currently owned and operated by AT&T. AT&T will not move the utility features, which blocks alley access to the property. Since this is a transit-served lot, and due to the problems associated with a curb cut on Division Street to serve a residential property, the applicant proposes to redevelop the parking lot with a four-story, 7 unit mixed use building, which includes 1 storefront, and 0 parking spaces).
Monday, September 27, 2021 The 1st Ward Office hosted a 1st Ward First Look for a proposed recreational cannabis dispensary at 1212 N Ashland.
Monday, November 8, 2021 The 1st Ward Office hosted a Virtual 1st Ward First Look for the following cases: 2516 West Thomas; 1513 West Erie; and, 1416 North Maplewood.
Monday, November 15, 2021 The 1st Ward Office hosted a Virtual Zoning Meeting for 2934 West Medill. The live simulcast is available on Facebook.
Monday, December 6, 2021 The 1st Ward Office hosted a Virtual 1st Ward First Look for 2536 West North; the 1st Ward staff provided an announcement about a proposed zoning map amendment to bring the existing building and business at 1516 N Milwaukee into conformance with the Code.
Monday, January 24, 2022 The 1st Ward Office hosted a Virtual 1st Ward First Look meeting for 1111 N Western.
Monday, February 21, 2022 The 1st Ward hosted a Virtual First Look meeting for 1320 N Wicker Park and the Fullerton / Washtenaw redevelopment proposals.
Monday, April 18, 2022 The 1st Ward hosted a Virtual First Look meeting for two additional dwelling unit proposals, and 2431 W Fullerton proposals.
Monday, May 16, 2022 The 1st Ward hosted a Virtual First Look for 1839 - 1841 North Albany
Monday, June 13, 2022 The 1st Ward hosted a Virtual First Look for 2008 - 2010 North Western and an updated proposal at 1416 North Maplewood.
Monday, July 11, 2022 The 1st Ward hosted a Virtual First Look for 1376 West Grand.
Monday, September 19, 2022 The 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual zoning meeting on 1746 North California and a Fullerton / Washtenaw update.
Monday, November 7, 2022 The 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual zoning meeting on 1839 - 1841 North Albany and 2418 North Milwaukee ("The Hollander").
Monday, January 30, 2023 The 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual 1st Ward First look on 2175 North Maplewood and an updated proposal at 2429 - 2431 West Fullerton.
Monday, April 10, 2023 The 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual 1st Ward First Look on 1342 West Ohio and 1859 N Washtenaw / 2649 W Cortland. The video is available via Facebook Live.
Monday, April 17, 2023 The 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual 1st Ward First Look on 1703 West Chicago and an informational presentation on community survey results on 1501 North Oakley. The video is available via Facebook Live.
Monday, May 8, 2023 The 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual 1st Ward First Look on 2412 West Belden and 2714 West St Helen, and an informational meeting on two zoning cases that transferred from the 2nd Ward to 1st Ward in the Division / Ashland area. The video is available via Facebook Live.
1st Ward Zoning Updates
Congress Theater There is a new ownership group purchasing the existing zoning of the Congress Theater, in order to rehabilitate the theater and redevelop the space within the existing building. This new group proposes a combination of 3-to-5 retail storefronts (5,400 square feet); 14 affordable housing units (out of 20 total residential units); affordable commercial office space; and a 3,500 seat venue. On Monday, June 28, 2021, the 1st Ward Office hosted a meeting with the new development team, which you can watch here; on Monday, April 4, 2022, the 1st Ward Office hosted a follow-up meeting with new updates, which you can watch here.
Updates at the April 4, 2022, meeting included a discussion of removing the hotel portion of the development that was original envisioned in 2021, and adding affordable office space targeted to area non-profit organizations.
The most recent Redevelopment Agreement document available to the 1st Ward Office (as of April 5, 2022) is available here.
Cook County Assessor's Affordable Housing Program The Cook County Assessor's Office will be administering a new affordable housing program for developers, beginning in 2022. The program applies to new construction or rehabilitation projects of 7 or more units. Based on certain percentages of affordable units and certain criteria for how long the units are kept affordable, the Assessor's Office will offer a corresponding tax abatement to help make affordable housing more financially feasible. The 1st Ward summary is here. The Cook County Assessor's Office has information here and here.
Armitage and Western There is a proposal to build a 5-story, 20 unit building by-right, at the site of the old bank building at Armitage and Western. If you would like a copy of the plans, please email zoning@the1stward.com. The 1st Ward Office hosted a construction management meeting with neighbors in early 2021. Please subscribe to our Newsletter (at the bottom of our webpage) in order to receive any updates that become available.
UPDATE! Zoning State of the Ward New State of the Ward Document (posted August 4, 2022)
Following a two year decline in the number of zoning ordinances approved by City Council, City Council increased the number of zoning ordinances approved between June 2021 and May 2022. Since May 2019, City Council has approved 50 zoning changes in the 1st Ward. Since Alderman La Spata's inauguration, new cases have included proposals to create 249 new housing units (79 of which are proposed affordable units), and establish twelve new businesses with new zoning districts. The 1st Ward Office has established a community-based zoning review process to assess new applications for zoning changes, and with this process in place Alderman La Spata recommended in favor of (or no opposition to) 20 zoning changes at City Council between June 2021 and May 2022.
Additionally, you can read a State of the Ward document that discusses major zoning cases for June 2020 through May 2021, as well as broader trends and policy areas worth considering. Previous Document: The 2019 - 2021 Document is available here.
Who works on community-based zoning in the 1st Ward? Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office work with numerous groups on matters of zoning, development, and planning. View a map!
Are you a developer or property owner potentially interested in a zoning map amendment? Please use the following developer's form to provide your proposal to Alderman La Spata's office.
Website Version Control: The most recent substantial update of this website occurred on May 10, 2023; the previous 10 updates were on Wednesday, March 1, 2023; Monday, January 9, 2023; Wednesday, November 2, 2022; Monday, September 19, 2022; Monday, July 11, 2022; Wednesday, May 18, 2022; Thursday, March 10, 2022; Friday, January 14, 2022; Wednesday, November 17, 2021; and Friday, October 1, 2021.
Zoning Cases
This section includes lists and descriptions of current and previous 1st Ward Zoning Cases. This list will be updated in real time, as new details or updates emerge, to ensure that the reader will have the most accurate understanding of a case. If you have any questions, or would like to report any errors, please email zoning@the1stward.com.
Ordinances currently in Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards
+ 1703 West Chicago
This zoning map amendment was submitted to City Council without a prior community process tthrough the 1st Ward Office. The proposal is to rezone the property to establish a general restaurant on the ground floor, without any other changes to the building. As of March 13, 2023, the 1st Ward Office is awaiting more information on the specific proposal.
+ 1429 North Fairfield
Applicant proposes to rezone property to establish an additional dwelling unit within the existing building envelope. This proposal appeared at a 1st Ward First Look in April 2022, and was submitted for zoning ordinance at June 2022 City Council and expected to pass at the subsequent Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. (Received April 2022)
+ 1710 West Superior
Applicant submitted a zoning map amendment directly to Department of Planning and Development without community review. Proposal is to demolish existing multi-unit residence to establish a new multi-unit condo. 1st Ward Office recommends opposition, and recommends zoning map amendment to add an additional unit to rehabilitate the existing building (Received April 2022). Click on this link to read the City Clerk record. (Update as of May 2022; no additional update as of September 2022)
+ 1523 West Fry
The 1st Ward Office received a proposal to legalize an existing dwelling unit. Since this property was excluded from the City's Additional Dwelling Unit pilot program, the 1st Ward Office included this proposal in a 1st Ward First Look meeting pertaining to accessory dwelling unit zoning changes. This Ordinance was submitted at June 2021 City Council meeting under a transit-served location zoning district to bring the existing parking into conformance with the zoning code along with the additional unit, and a voluntary downzone ordinance will return the district to a conforming residential use once all permitting is completed. Click on this link to read the City Clerk record. (Update as of July 12, 2021; as of September 2022, the applicant is completing their accessory dwelling unit permits, and Alderman La Spata deferred this ordinance to the March 2022 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards to allow for the permitting process to be completed).
+ 1812 - 1814 West Grand
This property previously received a Type-1 zoning map amendment under Alderman Moreno. This previous zoning map amendment lapsed, per the Zoning Code requirement to receive a building permit within two years. Since the Department of Planning and Development revised protocol regarding lapsed Type-1 zoning map amendments, a new map amendment is required for this property. Alderman La Spata would support a continuation of the exact same zoning that previously existed; the applicant has submitted a zoning map amendment that revises commercial space and unit count. Our Chicago Grand neighbors are reviewing the new proposal, and therefore this map amendment will be deferred from the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards; as of September 2022 the proposal remains under review, with 1st Ward Office providing a recommendation to establish six dwelling units above the commercial unit in order to resolve community disagreements about the proposal Click on this link to read the City Clerk Record. (Update as of September 2022)
+ 1510 West Fry
This Ordinance was submitted to the zoning department without community review. The property owner of 1510 West Fry proposes a zoning map amendment to construct a single-unit dwelling; the 1st Ward Office has reached out to assess the stage of the project, and a potential community process. The applicant is currently obtaining an architect. (Update as of February 2021; no additional update as of September 2022)
These are specific zoning projects that Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Office are planning
+ Grand Avenue Re-Zoning
The 1st Ward Office works closely with Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago and Chicago Grand Neighbors Association, as well as other area residents and businesses, to understand development pressures and goals around the Kinzie Industrial Corridor. In September 2019, Alderman La Spata supported the updated zoning plan for the Corridor and its Planned Manufacturing District and subareas. Based on observations related to several recent residential developments along Grand Avenue (specifically at 1716 W Grand / 505 - 529 N Hermitage and 1620 W Grand), Chicago Grand Neighbors have suggested potentially revisiting their Grand Avenue zoning framework. Additionally, the Industrial Council of Nearwest Chicago is working on a proposed Grand Avenue zoning assessment with Metropolitan Planning Council, which Alderman La Spata supports. Alderman La Spata is also going to request a formal zoning analysis from the Department of Planning and Development and Zoning Administrator. With these efforts, it is the goal of the 1st Ward Office to coordinate community engagement throughout winter 2020 - 2021. Please sign up for the 1st Ward newsletter for updates, or email zoning@the1stward.com if you are interested in this project.
+ Comprehensive Planning
The City of Chicago is beginning its first comprehensive planning process in generations, We Will. This announcement from Mayor Lightfoot and Commissioner Cox (Department of Planning and Development) occurred in late August, and the initial planning overview was presented at Plan Commission (link here). Since this project is in its early stages, it is not yet clear how Ward Offices will be involved; however, Alderman La Spata supports community engagement efforts to achieve equitable comprehensive planning objectives. If you are interested in comprehensive planning and planning at the Ward level, please email zoning@the1stward.com.
Community Review Complete — No Rezoning Filed by Applicant (11)
These are zoning proposals that were received by the 1st Ward Office and have completed community review, but have not had a subsequent Zoning Ordinance filed at City Council. It is up to the property owner or the contract-purchaser to file any Zoning Ordinances at City Council.
+ Community Review Complete
As of May 15, 2023, the following cases have completed community review. It is up to each applicant to determine their next steps with their respective project.
PROHIBITED USE 1551 West Division A potential business owner reached out regarding the zoning necessary to establish an adult use at this address. Upon further review, an adult use is not only strictly prohibited under the existing B3 zoning baseline, but it would also likely be prohibited via the Use Standards under 17-9-0101 (proximity to residential district; proximity to existing school or religious assembly). (received May 2023)
STATUS UNCLEAR / Moving to 26th Ward 1746 North California The 1st Ward Office received a proposal for a zoning map amendment to rehab existing multi-unit residence. Two potential zoning concepts (with and without coach house) will appear at the September 2022 1st Ward First Look. As of November 2, 2022, the 1st Ward Office provided applicant feedback regarding residents' preferred density considerations from the 1st Ward First Look, and the applicant is assessing their rehab project options. The 1st Ward Office did receive some follow-up from the property owner, but it is believed that they proceeded without a zoning change at the property. The 1st Ward Office received no opposition to this zoning change, and it is likely that some zoning change for an additional dwelling unit would have received favorable recommendation. This property moves to the 26th Ward as of May 15, 2023. (Received August 2022; no additional May 2023 update)
STATUS UNCLEAR / Moving to 26th Ward 1800 – 1806 North Monticello Proposal to construct two 3-unit buildings on existing parking lot, and rehabilitate existing multi-unit building to add a basement dwelling unit. Currently determining community process, no specific plans available. Community process began with a 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night meeting (January 23, 2020). This proposal received a virtual community meeting on April 20, 2021, and Alderman La Spata is working with the applicant following additional community review. As of July 2022, the applicant is going to proceed with the additional dwelling unit ordinance at 1806 N Monticello in order to address some non-conformities under review with the Dept. of Buildings; As of May 2023, this case will be under the purview of 26th Ward Ald. Fuentes.
STATUS UNCLEAR 1111 North Western Applicant proposes to rehabilitate two existing ground-floor commercial units, to create two ground-floor residential units. This proposal appeared at the January 24, 2022, 1st Ward First Look, and has been referred to neighborhood zoning partners for additional comment. The 1st Ward Office heard no opposition, and provided some design review feedback to the applicant, but never heard anything further to advocate in favor of a zoning change from the applicant. (Received December 2021; No additional update as of May 2023)
NO COMMUNITY REVIEW -- 26th WARD: 1911 North Francisco A property owner reached out following a Department of Buildings violation hearing, which resulted in the demolition of the previously existing single unit residence. Property owner is submitting an intake packet with information about a new proposed single unit residence, on a zoning lot that may be improved with as many as three dwelling units according to the Connected Communities, Additional Dwelling Unit, and Predominance of the Block (606 Area) ordinances. This property will transfer to 26th Ward in May, 1st Ward Office will ensure a transfer of all facts to the incoming Ald. Fuentes and staff. (Received April 2023)
RECOMMENDED SUPPORT 2621 West Homer A property owner reached out with a proposal to restore four-unit density at the existing multi-unit residence. 1st Ward Office provided intake packet and collected more information from applicant. This case appeared at a January 9, 2023 1st Ward First Look, and receiving no opposition, emails or commeonts opposed to the project, it is expected that this project will be submitted to a future City Council meeting. The property owner might also decide to enroll in the Additional Dwelling Unit program as an alternative, and as of March 14, 2023, noticed the 1st Ward Office of their intent to legalize a third unit via the ADU program. (Received November 2022; March 2023 update)
NO OBJECTION 1837 North Abany Property owner reached out regarding a zoning change at the subject address, to demolish the existing property and establish multi-unit residences. The existing property is currently in building court, and Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office are working with the Judge and Department of Law to keep the building secure. If a zoning change is not granted, the applicant would rehabilitate the existing property rather than demolish it, so the 1st Ward Office is also working with the applicant for options to secure and restore the existing non-conforming multi-unit residence. As of March 1, 2023, the applicant is working on a Type 1 zoning map amendment for introduction at the March 2023 City Council meeting. Alderman La Spata does not object to this zoning proposal because it completes a Department of Buildings violation process and resolves a public safety matter regarding a vacant building. (Received August 2022; March 2023 update)
RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 1839 - 1841 North Albany Property owner reached out regarding sale of a side yard vacant lot attached to 1841 N Albany, which needs to be rezoned in order to unlock buildable Floor Area Ratio for 1839 N Albany. Developer proposes to build a single unit residence at cost of $800,000 at 1839 N Albany; 1st Ward Office is reviewing development alternatives with the proposed builder. Following a 1st Ward First Look in May 2022, the applicant proposes to develop a multi-unit residence at 1839 North Albany. This case was presented at a November 7, 2022, zoning meeting, and based on community questions and comments at the meeting, and electronic feedback, 1st Ward staff provided a favorable recommendation to Alderman La Spata. As of March 14, 2023, Alderman La Spata continues to support this proposal, but a real estate contract matter may impede the zoning change. (Received April 2022; March 2023, update)
RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 1638 West Ohio 1st Ward Office received completed developer's intake packet, proposing to up-zone existing 2-unit residence in order to establish a rehabilitated single-unit residence with a coach house. This proposal received a 1st Ward First Look in June, and was referred to Chicago Grand Neighbors Association for a July meeting. CGNA Planning and Development committee recommended approval, with an additional community meeting. As of September 2022, the applicant is reassessing their plans. (Received March 2021; March 2023 update)
RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 1304 West Ohio Applicant inquiry regarding rehabilitation of exusting 6-unit residence to establish a 8-unit residence. This proposal appeared at a 1st Ward First Look meeting in June 2021, and was also referred for comment to the Eckhart Park Community Council (July 12, 2021 update; No update as of March 2023).(Received June 2021)
RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 1923 North Lawndale Applicant reached out to the 1st Ward Office to propose a third (basement / accessory) unit on an existing legal two-flat residence. Unfortunately, this property is not within the Coach house / ADU Ordinance pilot area. This proposal received a successful meeting on accessory dwelling unit proposals; the 1st Ward Office awaits follow-up (July 12, 2021 Update; No update as of March 2023).
+ Recent Negative Recommendations (Policy Issues)
2625 West Armitage (First Inquiry) The 1st Ward Office received a completed developer's intake packet proposing a demolition of the existing 2 unit residence to establish a 3 unit residence. The 1st ward office recommended in favor of a rehabilitation of the existing property, which is a profitable development as demonstrated by the developer's own packet. (Received April 2023)
1801 North Central Park The 1st Ward Office received a redevelopment inquiry for this large manufacturing building, which will be entering the 26th Ward. The 1st Ward Office generally holds a policy of encouraging the reuse and redevelopment of Manufacturing Zoning Districts without rezoning, and connectd the applicant with industrial economic development partners to gauge options for this space. This case was also referred to Ald.-elect Fuentes for awareness, as even a manufacturing redevelopment process here will likely be a long process. (Received April 2023)
1239 North Wood The 1st Ward Office receives numerous and ongoing inquiries about this property (see below, Active Cases -- Inquiries Only). Most recently, the 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to Alderman La Spata against a proposed hotel with a restaurant and bar component, due to the predominantly residential nature of the area and the need for more housing and affordable housing adjacent to the 'L'.
2050 - 2056 West Pierce A zoning attorney submitted completed 1st Ward developer's packet, proposing to add a third floor to the existing 4 unit townhome development. As of March 2023, 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to Alderman La Spata and Wicker Park Committee, citing Landmark District concerns (expanding roofline) and lack of density concerns (policy concerns include upzoning to expand single-unit residence in a Transit-Served Location; and, upzoning without increasing density). (Received February 2023)
2104 - 2108 North Western (Second Inquiry) A developer reached out regarding demolition and redevelopment of an existing mixed use building with multiple apartments and a ground floor restaurant. 1st Ward Office advised in favor of rehabilitation and redevelopment of the existing property. Upon further inquiries, including review of pro forma provided by developer, 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to Alderman La Spata due to housing cost concerns (existing property land sale has viable rehabilitation options with multi-unit residence and viable commercial space) and demolition concerns. (Received January 2023)
1536 West Chestnut (Third Inquiry) A potential purchaser reached out regarding zoning options to demolish an existing residence for the purpose of developing a new multi-unit residence. 1st Ward Office recommended a zoning map amendment to establish an Additional Dwelling Unit to rehabilitate the existing building. (Received January 2023)
Active Cases (14) — 7 Cases Under Community Review
+ Potential Cannabis Cases
From time to time, the 1st Ward Office receives blanket requests for approval for a specific disapensary to operate anywhere in the Ward. When these types of requests are received, the 1st Ward Office provides community zoning and developer's intake packet documents, and awaits a specific location for the zoning proposal.
Active Proposals
2810 West Fullerton The 1st Ward Office is aware of an offer on a property that would establish an adult use cannabis dispensary at this address. The Ward Office has reached out to the applicant for more information to discern the most appropriate community process. As of May 2023, there is no additional update.
Previous Proposals
1539 North Milwaukee The 1st Ward Office has received preliminary inquiry regarding an application for cannabis dispensary at 1539 North Milwaukee. The 1st Ward Office has provided developer's intake packet and request more information (Received November 2021; No update as of November 2, 2022 and considered withdrawn or incomplete)
3115 West Armitage The 1st Ward Office has received notice of a Letter of Intent to operate a recreational cannabis dispensary at this address. Since this property already has C1 zoning in place, the applicant can seek Zoning Board of Appeals approval for a Special Use Permit. (Received December 2021; This case was recommended for approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals)
1947 North Division The 1st Ward Office received notice of a Letter of Intent from a State of Illinois Social Equity Applicant to operate a recreational cannabis dispensary at this address. Since this property already has C1 zoning in place, the applicant can seek Zoning Board of Appeals approval for a Special Use Permit. (Received April 2022; No update as of November 2, 2022 and considered withdrawn or incomplete))
1374 West Grand The 1st Ward Office received an inquiry from a potential contract purchaser to establish a recreational cannabis dispensary at 1374 West Grand. 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake documents, and awaits additional information. (Received September 2022; No update as of November 2, 2022 and considered withdrawn or incomplete))
Additional Wicker Park Dispensary The 1st Ward Office receives consistent communication from a State of Illinois Social Equity Applicant to operate a proposed recreational cannabis dispensary, likely in the area of Wicker Park. The applicant does not yet have a specific property under review, but the 1st Ward Office is supplying developer intake materials should a potential site require a zoning change. (No update as of November 2, 2022 and considered withdrawn or incomplete)
+ Active Cases - Under Community Review
2418 North Milwaukee (Third Inquiry) In Septemnber 2022, the 1st Ward Office received another zoning map amendment request from the property owner, to establish more than 50 dwelling units by adaptively reusing the existing vacant storage building and constructing an adjacent addition. This would be the third zoning change at this property since May 2019. This proposal received a November 2022 1st Ward First Look, and was subsequently held for the completion of the community process related to the Milwaukee Avenue Urban Identity project. As of May 2023, the 1st Ward Office continues to discuss updates with the property owner, and will prepare to refer this proposal to community review groups following the codification of design guidelines from the community planning process. (May 2023 update)
2714 West St Helen The 1st Ward Office is aware of an intended zoning change to be considered at this address, to rehab the existing building and add a dwelling unit. The 1st Ward Office has sent intake documents and awaits more information. This case appeared at a May 8, 2023, 1st Ward First Look, and the Ward office is facilitating communication between the applicant and numerous property owners on the block to discuss construction and design matters. (Received March 2023; May 2023 update)
2412 West Belden The 1st Ward Office received notification that the unsanctioned dormers constructed at this building would require a zoning map amendment to resolve and bring into conformance. The 1st Ward Office has collected all relevant information from the applicant, and is reviewing documents with Alderman La Spata and determining the most appropriate community process. This case appeared at a May 8, 2023, 1st Ward First Look, and the 1st Ward Office is collecting feedback from residents (including emails raising concerns and emails of support, and phone calls of support).(Received March 2023; May 2023 update)
1501 North Oakley This will be an ongoing proactive planning process regarding the proposed redevelopment of the lot owned by the Sisters of Christian Charity. Please see the "Zoning Update" section at the top of the website for the most up to date information. (Process started February 2023; no additional update as of May 2023)
2429 - 2431 West Fullerton (Second Inquiry) Developer proposes to redevelop vacant lot with a 36-unit all-residential development. As of March 1, 2023, this project received a 1st Ward First Look meeting with the 1st Ward Office, and was referred for neighborhood review to the Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association. As of May 2023, this case is receiving continued community review to bring a revised proposal forward that addresses a number of contextual aspects of the development. (Received December 2022; May 2023 update)
1342 West Ohio Zoning attorney reached out with a completed intake packet and plans to construct a single-unit residence on a buildable lot adjacent to 1344 West Ohio (same property owner). 1st Ward Office asked about numerous redevelopment scenarios for the vacant lot, including Transit-Served Location bonuses for residential zoning, and awaits more information. Following additional information, this case appeared at a spring 2023 1st Ward First Look, and the 1st Ward Office continues to collect feedback. (Received September 2022; May 2023 update)
2649 West Cortland / 1859 North Washtenaw A zoning attorney reached out regarding potential addition to existing multi-unit building, to construct three additional units on the premises. 1st Ward Office provided intake packet, and is assessing information related to the property. After collecting more information, this proposal received a spring 2023 1st Ward First Look, and continues to collect feedback. If this zoning change is approved, it is expected that an adjacent property owner may request the exact same zoning change. (Received November 2022; update as of May 2023)
+ Active Cases - Inquiries Only
2647 - 2649 North Washtenaw A zoning attorney reached out about a proposed additional dwelling unit zoning change, in which a zoning change would be needed to subdivide an existing large duplexed four bedroom dwelling unit into two 3 bedroom units. The 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake documents and awaits further information for community process. (Received May 2023)
1239 North Wood (Multiple Inquiries) The 1st Ward Office continues to field numerous inquiries regarding the adaptive reuse of this building, which was previously rezoned for a large single unit residence and two condominium units. Recent inquiries include office space; hotel, bar, & restaurant; and demolition & corresponding upzone. The most recent inquiry would establish multi-unit residences at the premises by redeveloping the existing building. (Received March 2023; update as of May 2023)
2815 West Armitage Property owner reached out to The 1st Ward Office about receiving a rezoning with the sale of their property. 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake information, and awaits further information. (Received April 2023; no additional update, even following the Block Club article)
2716 - 2722 North California A business owner discussed a zoning change proposal to redevelop several parcels with different business proposals. The 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake packet, and awaits further information. (Received March 2023; no additional update as of May 2023)
Confidential Development Site A property owner reached out regarding a future re-zoning of a lot that will be impacted by a forthcoming Milwaukee Avenue planning project. Since the planning project will occur into 2023, the 1st Ward Office provided preliminary zoning intake documents and informed the owner of the planning project. No proposals will be accepted prior to the completion of the planning project, and no public or private meetings will occur on this until the planning project is complete. (Received November 2022; Milwaukee Avenue Urban Identity project is well under way as of May 2023 and the 1st Ward Office will begin reaching out to property owner once again)
1744 West Grand (Second Inquiry) Zoning attorney reached out with a proposed redevelopment to demolish existing manufacturing-zoned buildings including restaurant, plus adjacent vacant lots, into 40-unit transit-served location redevelopment. Contract only allows one month zoning contingency. 1st Ward Office recommended against demolition, and provided guidance for an alternative zoning map amendment that would establish multi-unit residences on the interior street (in place of vacant lots). (Received September 2022; no additional update as of May 2023)
*Update: As of March 2023, any inquiry that received no specific follow-up after four months was moved to the 2022 "Lapsed Cases" category below *
Approved Cases (59) (52 new cases; 6 transitional cases from previous administration)
These are all zoning proposals that were recommended approval at Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Buildings Standards and subsequently approved at City Council. If you would like to see detailed plans associated with any case, please email zoning@the1stward.com.
+ May 29, 2019 City Council: No cases approved.
No cases.
+ June 12, 2019 City Council
No new cases approved. Transitional cases, previously reviewed by community groups and Alderman Moreno under the previous 1st Ward Zoning process, were released from Committee on Zoning (1300 N Milwaukee; 1330 N Leavitt; 1474 W Ohio; 1511 W Erie). Following additional case research; negotiations; and discussions with neighbors and community members, additional transitional cases from Alderman Moreno’s tenure were released from Committee on Zoning (2940 W Lyndale and 3601-3611 W Cortland were released for July 24, 2019 meeting).
+ 1572 North Milwaukee
(SO2019-4213, Application 20055-T1). Applicant proposed rezoning existing B2-2 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District to C1-3 Neighborhood Commercial District, in order to establish a retail facility with incidental medium event space in the 1st Floor and basement of the existing four-story building. No changes were proposed to the footprint of the building, or to the additional floors of the interior. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the project (approved June 2019); 1st Ward Office elected no additional meetings due to the scope of the proposed use within this transit-served Milwaukee Avenue corridor, and due to no proposed changes to the remainder of the building. Passed City Council on July 24, 2019. [City Clerk Case information], which includes Type 1 Zoning map Amendment plans.
+ 1529 West Chicago
(SO2019-3425, Application 20026). Applicant proposed to rezone building from B1-3 to B3-2 to allow a ground floor restaurant use with incidental liquor component. Project includes no proposed changes to the existing building. West Town Chamber of Commerce reviewed and approved the proposed business (approved June 2019). 1st Ward Office elected to host no additional meetings since the project proposed no changes to the existing footprint, and the proposed density of the building decreased (from -3 to -2 in the Business District). Passed City Council on July 24, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information].
+ 1510 North Talman
(O2019-3893, Application 20035). Applicant proposed to rezone existing RS-3 district to RT-4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse, and Multi-Unit District, in order to bring existing multi-unit dwelling into conformance with the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. An adjacent lot was previously rezoned to construct an additional multi-unit building. Since the adjacent zoning change was already approved, the 1st Ward elected not to host additional community meetings because this zoning change included no changes to the footprint of the existing building. Passed City Council on July 24, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information]. Previously approved zoning change at 1508 North Talman available [here].
+ 1248 North Paulina
(O2019-5523, Application 20076-T1). Applicant proposed to rezone from B3-2 to B2-3 to bring existing non-conforming ground floor residential unit into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, and expand the upper unit in accordance with B2-3 density. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the project (approved August 2019); 1st Ward Office elected no additional community meetings given the scope of the existing use and the scope of the proposed rehabilitation. Passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans.
+ 2209 North Campbell
(O2019-5528, Application 20081-T1). Applicant proposed to rezone existing three-story, 6 dwelling unit building in order to bring it into conformance with the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. On an adjacent side lot, the applicant proposed to construct a single-unit residence. Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association reviewed the case (approved spring 2019); after additional negotiations and discussions with the applicant, 1st Ward Office held no additional community meetings because the zoning change provided to changes to the footprint of the existing building. A single-unit residence may be constructed by right in the RS-3 district. Passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. Full letters and documents from zoning attorney available [here].
+ 1838 West Grand
(SO2019-5560, Application 20122-T1). Applicant proposed to change zoning from M1-2 to B1-3 in order to allow for a commercial space on the ground floor of the existing building, which also includes 3 residential units (as existing). No parking exists at the property, and applicant proposes no changes to the existing footprint and height of the building. Chicago Grand Neighbors Association reviewed the case (approved June 2019); 1st Ward Office hosted no additional community meetings since the existing footprint of the building will not be changed. After additional negotiations with the applicant and zoning attorney regarding the nature of the proposed commercial groundfloor use, passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans.
+ 1115 North Hermitage
(SO2019-2685, Application 20008-T1). Applicant originally proposed rezoning existing property to rehabilitate ground floor commercial storefront into residential unit, and adding additional dwelling units above the garage for a total of 8 dwelling units. Following extensive review from East Village Association (recommended denial), discussion with adjacent neighbors, and negotiations with the application, the approved project was reduced to converting the commercial storefront into two residential units (for a total of 5 dwelling units). Community process included numerous meetings with East Village Association and a community meeting at the 1st Ward Office (June 24, 2019). Originally deferred from the June 25 Committee on Zoning meeting, the project was approved with substitute narrative and a substitute ordinance document on September 18, 2019 City Council. [City Clerk Case Information]. City Clerk features Substitute Ordinance with [revised plans].
+ “The Hollander”: 2418 – 2428 North Milwaukee
(SO2019-6873, Application 20166-T1). Proposed rehabilitation of the existing five-story building (historically, the “Hollander” storage building), and construction of a lateral addition, for a commercial development including retail, lifestyle, and office uses; 16 on-site parking spaces are included, due to a reduction in required parking spaces according to the Transit Served Location portions of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Project approved based on a community process that included a “First Look” meeting (August 8, 2019); review of publicly available architectural plans with several residents at the 1st Ward Office throughout summer and autumn 2019; community review by Logan Square Preservation (approved November 2019); and a public meeting at the 1st Ward Office (November 12, 2019). The project continues to be under office review to ensure community benefits through construction hiring and commercial hiring processes; passed City Council on November 20, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. Revised plan set from community process (following Logan Square Preservation review) available [here].
+ 906 North Ashland
(O2019-6806, Application 20142-T1). Applicant proposed to re-zone condominium property from B1-2 to B1-3, in order to convert the 4th floor exterior open balcony to interior living space. This proposal increased interior livable space by approximately 160 square feet and required no additional changes to any other condominium units in the building, or any changes to the footprint of the building. Applicant received support from the Home Owners’ Association; 1st Ward Office worked with architect and applicant to ensure protocol for completing the enclosure of the porch; 1st Ward Office conducted no additional community meetings because there were no external changes proposed to the building. Passed City Council on September 18, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information], which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. [Plans available here].
+ October 16, 2019 and October 23, 2019 City Council: No cases approved.
No Cases.
+ 1460 North Milwaukee
(O2019-6874, Application 20167). Proposed rehabilitation and interior building out of existing three-story, 3 unit building, to allow for 5 dwelling units. In lieu of a voluntary Type 1 zoning change, Landmark District protections and a restrictive covenant regarding the proposed density and restoration of the façade ensure conformance with proposed plans. Wicker Park Committee (WPC) reviewed the case and recommended approval (August 2019), and 1st Ward Office pursued no additional meetings due to the scope of the proposal. First submitted to 1st Ward Office in August 2019 after WPC review; passed City Council on November 20, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information available here]. Proposed elevation [here]; proposed floor plans [here].
+ 1820 – 1830 West Grand
(SO2019-7956; Application 20210 – T1). Proposed rehabilitation of existing building, to allow a daycare use on the ground floor. The site includes seven existing parking spaces. This proposal includes no additions to the existing building footprint. Chicago Grand Neighbors Association reviewed the plans and recommended approval (July 2019); 1st Ward Office conducted no additional community meetings because there were no external changes proposed to the building. Passed City Council on November 20, 2019. [City Clerk Case Information].
+ December 18, 2019 City Council meeting: No cases approved
No cases
+ “Teachers Village Chicago”
a/k/a 2600 – 2624 West Hirsch; 1401 – 1439 North Talman; and 1400 – 1436 North Rockwell. (Deferred pending Plan Commission. O2019-4017; Application 20045). Proposed rehabilitation of former Von Humboldt school building to a mixed-use building including approximately 102 dwelling units, community educational space, and retail space; and construction of five townhomes. Passed City Council on January 15, 2020. [City Clerk Case Information available here]. [Plans (August public meeting set) available here].
+ 2418 West Lyndale
Proposed demolition of existing three-story, 3 unit building to construct 4 unit condominium building. This began as a transitional case from spring 2019 under the previous office, with community review by Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association. After an initial recommendation not to pursue the zoning change, applicant worked with GGNA to change the bulk and floor area ratio of the proposal, while also agreeing to numerous aesthetic changes. Originally deferred from January 14, 2020 Committee on Zoning to complete community review, this application was approved at Committee on Zoning on February 13, 2020. [City Clerk information available here]
+ 1317 - 1333 North Western (Aldermanic)
Alderman La Spata worked with owner of this zoning lot and Zoning Administrator regarding lapsed Type-1 zoning for an existing proposed project, which will need the zoning district re-set ([see Chicago Zoning Ordinance 17-13-0311]). You can review the original zoning proposal from 2016 at the City Clerk's website (here). Alderman La Spata introduced ordinance to re-set lapsed Type-1 zoning at December 18, 2019 City Council meeting, and the Committee on Zoning approved this case on February 13, 2020. [City Clerk information for re-setting Type-1 zoning].
+ 1302 North Milwaukee
(Application number 20336, Ordinance number O2020-773 , introduced prior to February 19, 2020 City Council). Proposal to establish a recreational indoor miniature golf use, coupled with incidental alcohol use. Applicant has worked on project throughout 2019, when Public Place of Amusement license and Incidental Liquor license were obtained. Plans currently under review by Department of Buildings, who are requiring a zoning change in order to have a bar located on the premises. Wicker Park Committee will hear this proposal, and the 1st Ward office expects this case to appear at the March Committee on Zoning. [[City Clerk information here]]. https://chicago.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4335586&GUID=2DFE1357-E294-49CD-914B-632D1D01D70E&Options=Advanced&Search=
+ 2655 West Haddon
(Application number 20364-T1, Ordinance number O2020-1862, introduced prior to April 22, 2020 City Council). This proposal, originally received in September 2019, is to bring building into compliance with Chicago Zoning Ordinance to rehabilitate 9 existing units, with no changes to the existing footprint of the building. Communication with applicant stopped in November 2019; given submittal at City Council, project details will be reaffirmed with applicant, including provisions regarding rental levels and fair housing compliance for rented units. Original plan submittal is available here. City Clerk information here (including Ordinance). The Ordinance was approved at the Committee on Zoning on May 19, 2020, and reported to City Council at May 20, 2020.
+ June and July 2020 City Council meetings: No cases approved
No cases.
+ 1914 - 1924 West Chicago
This is a proposed zoning map amendment to enclose a rooftop dining area, and also rehabilitate 1914 West Chicago for a proposed recreational cannabis dispensary. The applicant held meetings with East Village Association and West Town Chamber of Commerce in 2019, and the West Town Chamber of Commerce and East Village Association both provided support letters for this dispensary use, with a number of operating conditions. The City Clerk record is available here. The applicant introduced this zoning map ordinance at the July 22, 2020, City Council meeting, and barring any changes or additional feedback from East Village Association, it is expected to be approved at Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards prior to the September 9, 2020, City Council Meeting.
+ 1349 West Ancona
Proposal to build one single-unit residence with parking on a substandard lot. Original inquiry received February 2020, plans received April 2020 (available here). The Eckhart Park Community Council reviewed the case and recommended approval. The 1st Ward Office concurred with the recommendation, and based on the scope of the project, including proposed bulk and density, recommended approval to Alderman La Spata. Alderman La Spata expects to support a Type-1 Substitute Ordinance (linking the zoning change to the specific approved plans) at the October 6, 2020 Committee on Zoning meeting. City Clerk record here.
+ 1512 West Ohio
In early 2020, Eckhart Park Community Council (EPCC) provided initial zoning review recommendation on a proposal at 1512 West Ohio, which requires revision of plans to demolish an existing frame residence and coachhouse to construct a 3-unit, four-story condominium building. The EPCC requested revised design for the proposal, and recommended against a zoning map amendment until such revisions are provided. In summer of 2020, the EPCC received revised plans, and revised their position. This project received a community meeting on August 17, 2020, and the 1st Ward Office recommended to Alderman La Spata to concur with the community's approval. Alderman La Spata expects to approve this Type-1 zoning map amendment (linking the zoning change to these specific plans) at the October 6, 2020 Committee on Zoning meeting. City Clerk record here.
+ 1928 West Race
Proposal for zoning map amendment to resolve construction issues related to an in-process addition at the subject property, originally received June 2020. Property is existing single-unit residence and will remain single-unit residence. Case was submitted with signatures of support from adjacent residents and referred to our Chicago Grand Neighbors to determine adequate community process; CGNA has provided notification of approval, and Alderman La Spata expects to approve a voluntary Type-1 zoning map amendment (tying this zoning change to the specific plans) at the October 6, 2020 Committee on Zoning. Plans available here. City Clerk record here.
+ November 2020 -- No Committee on Zoning
In November 2020, the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards did not have a meeting due to the Budget Hearings schedule.
+ 2120 North Mozart
Proposal to rehabilitate existing affordable housing at Humboldt Park United Methodist Church, and add new affordable units within the rehabilitation of the Church (Preliminary inquiry: June 2020; Received proposal August 2020). The proposed rehabilitation is for 22 units, with 100 percent reduction in parking due to Transit-served location. 1st Ward Office hosted a virtual meeting on this proposal on September 14, 2020, and provided a completed set of questions posed at the meeting (available here). Because this is an affordable housing development, the development team must have their zoning process under way while their competitive applications for affordable housing finance are considered. Thus, the applicant introduced the zoning ordinance on October 7, 2020 City Council (City Clerk Record here). Additional community meeting will be hosted by the 1st Ward with adjacent residents, and there may be additional community meetings called. This Ordinance was recommended for passage at the December 1, 2020, Committee on Zoning meeting.
+ 1533 – 1535 West Fry
(2nd Proposal at this address) Proposed demolition of two existing residential buildings, to construct six residential condominium units on two parcels. Community process began with a concept review meeting at Goldblatt's Building (West Town Public Library) on Tuesday, January 14, 2020; case referred to Eckhart Park Community Council for review. Preliminary presentation available here. Case continued through community review, including a virtual meeting in spring 2020. A majority of participants at community meeting supported the project, but the division among project opponents was substantive and required additional community work with developer. Developer worked with adjacent residents to make notable revisions to the project, available here The 1st Ward Office communicated those revisions to meeting participants, and upon hearing no additional opposition from residents, recommended a position of No Opposition to Alderman La Spata. Ordinance referred to City Clerk for October 7, 2020 City Council meeting (available here). This Ordinance was recommended do pass at the December 1, 2020, Committee on Zoning meeting.
+ 1701 West Division
The 1st Ward Office received a voluntary request for downzoning at 1701 West Division, which was previously re-zoned via Type 1 map amendment to rehabilitation an existing building (6 units) and add a five-story, 8-unit building. Only the 6-unit rehab was completed under this zoning, so their final occupancy permit will require a rezoning to correct the original plans, and reduce the scope of the Type 1 zoning (which ties the work to specific plans). Thus, they are proposing a Type 1 downzone that only reflects the scope of the 6-unit rehabilitation (of which the work was completed). 1st Ward Staff reviewed this case with Alderman La Spata, and recommended support given that there will be no change to the existing building footprint; the work is already completed; the scope of the original project reduced; the protections of a Type-1 amendment; and the fact that it's a voluntary downzone. This zoning map amendment was introduced as Ordinance at November City Council, and is expected to appear on the agenda of the December 15, 2020, Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards meeting. Plans are too large to upload, please email zoning@the1stward.com if you would like to see them. (Case received October 2020). This zoning map amendment passed out of the Committee on Zoning on December 15, 2020, for approval at the December 16, 2020, City Council meeting.
+ 2948 - 2954 West Armitage (Aldermanic)
Throughout 2020, the 1st Ward Office received advocacy from Logan Square Preservation and historical documents related to the 2012 zoning map amendment to reduce the parking requirement for a proposed restaurant use. The proposal at that time included a provision to return the zoning to its previous designation once the building peermits were completed for the restaurant use. This zoning map amendment returns the 2012 zoning change to its previous designation, which is consistent with the adjacent Neighborhood Commercial (C1) map designations and density. You can view the 2012 zoning change here; the proposed zoning map amendment is here. This zoning map amendment passed out of the Committee on Zoning on December 15, 2020, for approval at the December 16, 2020, City Council meeting.
+ 2101 - 2013 West Chicago Avenue
A preliminary inquiry to redevelop multi-unit building morphed into a proposal for partial demolition and rehabilitation of two existing buildings, in order to develop seven total dwelling units and expand the existing business. Received formal proposal in September 2020 (various requests received 2019 through February 2020. This proposal includes demolition of existing coach house, to produce five parking spots. Existing commercial tenant would remain. Based on feedback from the November 2, 2020 1st Ward "First Look" and community feedback from the West Town Neighbors, 1st Ward Office provided a recommendation of support to Alderman La Spata (Received September 2020). Filed as a Type-1 zoning map amendment, which links the specific plans to the zoning change, expected to be heard at February 2021 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. City Clerk record is here. Presentation from 1st Ward First Look is here.
+ 1358 West Ohio
Applicant reached out to the 1st ward Office to propose a three-story, 2 unit development on an existing vacant lot. 1st Ward Office conducted a 1st Ward First Look meeting in February 2021, and the case received additional review from the Eckhart Park Community Council (favorable recommendation provided, with specific review of garbage set-up and brick color). This Ordinance was introduced at March 24, 2021, City Council, and approved at the April 2021 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards (Received December 2020). The City Clerk record is here. The PowerPoint from the 1st Ward First Look is here.
+ 1317 - 1335 North Western
(Proposal Number 4) Applicant revised previous proposal, to request a zoning map amendment to construct a 40-unit development at the subject property. The 40 units would be designated as condominiums for sale. Previous proposals at the property were under review by Wicker Park Committee; this new proposal began anew with a 1st Ward First Look on November 2, 2020; our Wicker Park Committee and East Humboldt Park Neighborhood Association offered conditional letters of support for this proposal; and this proposal received a virtual community meeting in March 2021, as well as targeted follow-up meeting with neighbors adjacent to the development on the 1300 block of North Claremont. (Received August 2020). The City Clerk record is here. This Ordinance was introduced at the April 2021 Council meeting, and passed the Committee on Zoning in May 2021.
+ 1945 North California
The 1st Ward Office received an inquiry regarding re-zoning the existing two story, 3-unit dwelling at this property to bring it into compliance with the zoning code. The property was previously sold several years ago with a zoning certificate establishing three legal dwelling units on-site; however, the property cannot be re-transferred as a 3-unit building due to discrepancies regarding the permit history. Applicant proposes no changes to the interior or exterior of the building; 1st Ward Office recommended a Type 1 zoning map amendment for the existing building as-is. The applicant followed this process, introducing an Ordinance to City Council in May 2021, and this case passed the Committee on Zoning in June 2021. The City Clerk record is here.
+ 2418 - 2428 North Milwaukee
The 1st Ward Office received a proposal to voluntarily downzone the previous zoning map amendment for the rehabilitation and commercial redevelopment at the Hollander building. The applicant proposes to restore the existing storage building and adjacent one-story masonry building, to develop a variety of day care, office, and live-work spaces (not to exceed nine units). The zoning map amendment was introduced at the June 2021 City Council meeting, and will appear at the July 2021 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. The City Clerk record is here. (Updated as of July 12, 2021)
+ 2739 West Haddon
The 1st Ward Office received a proposal to establish a legal basement dwelling unit at the subject property. This is a proposal that would be legally established by right under the Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance pilot, if the property was in the pilot area. However, this property was outside the pilot area, necessitating a zoning map amendment to establish an additional legal dwelling unit at the property. The zoning map amednment was introduced at the July 2021 City Council meeting, and was recommended for approval at the September 2021 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. The City Clerk record is here. (Updated as of September 13, 2021)
+ 1535 North Maplewood
This Ordinance was submitted to the zoning department without community review, at the March 2021 City Council meeting. The property owner of 1535 North Maplewood proposes to rehabilitate an existing two-unit residence, to expand it to four dwelling units. The applicant has completed a portion of the proposed work outside of the scope of the City of Chicago Zoning Ordinance, so The 1st Ward Office is in the process of working with the East Humboldt Park neighborhood group, the Departments of Law and Buildings, and the applicant. The City Clerk Record is here. Following review of the Department of Buildings and Department of Law facts, and the scope of the proposal, it is expected that this map amendment will appear at the early October 2021 Committee on Zoning, and Alderman La Spata will not oppose it. (Update as of October 1, 2021)
+ 1733 - 1735 West Potomac
The 1st Ward Office received a request for a proposed zoning map amendment at a single-unit residence that includes two parcels, to increase the height of the existing single-unit residence (by adding solar panels) and to add to the single-unit residence into the adjacent parcel. This case was reviewed by the 1st Ward Office and referred to Wicker Park Committee for neighborhood review and recommendation. Wicker Park Committee provided conditional support of the proposal. (Case Received December 2020) There was no opposition of this proposal at the early October 2021 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. The City Clerk Record is here.
+ 1576 North Milwaukee
The 1st Ward Office received a request for zoning map amendment at 1572 North Milwaukee, to accommodate buildout of an outdoor service window for a restaurant/cafe concept. Because the zoning ordinance prohibits operation of outdoor service under the existing zoning, applicant requests a zoning map amendment to allow the outdoor service addition to their proposed business. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the project, and their P & D Committee recommended opposition to the use; Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Office are reviewing this proposal and recommendation with the applicant and Wicker Park Committee. The 1st Ward Office has recommended to the Wicker Park Committee to reconsider their vote, and provided the same recommendation to Alderman La Spata. The applicant submitted Ordinance to City Council, which is expected to be approved at the March 23, 2021, Committee on Zoning meeting, and the applicant has agreed to voluntarily downzone the property following permitting and licensing process (Application received October 2020). The voluntary downzone ordinance is expected to be heard in September 2021 at the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. The City Clerk record is here; the agreed upon downzone Ordinance is here. (Update as of July 12, 2021; as of October 1, 2021, it is expected that this amendment will appear at the November Committee on Zoning)
+ 2546 West Haddon
This zoning map amendment proposes to rezone the property to activate the floor area of an existing attic space in order to expand the living space within an existing two unit building. This zoning map amendment will not result in any changes to the bulk, height, or density of the propery. The City Clerk record is here.
+ 1516 North Milwaukee
This ordinance was submitted to address a City departmental determination related to the Floor Area of an existing outdoor canopy structure at the existing ground floor tavern use. 1st ward Staff recommended approval of this zoning map amendment to Alderman La Spata, because it brings an existing use into conformance with the Chicago Zoning Ordinance; it does not change any aspect of the bulk, height, or density of the existing building; and it corrects a deficiency noted due to Departmental review during an occupancy inspection for an existing building permit. This Ordinance was introduced at the City Council Meeting held on November 2021, and was subsequently approved at the December 2021 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards meeting. [The City Clerk record is here]
+ 1513 West Erie
(Second inquiry) Applicant proposes to rehabilitate existing multi-unit building by restoring previous density of the property. This proposal would be eligible for the Additional Dwelling Unit pilot if the City expanded the ADU Pilot area to this neighborhood. As of November 17, 2021, this case appeared at a 1st Ward First Look, and the 1st Ward Office has recommended that Alderman La Spata support this map amendment based on community feedback. The zoning ordinance was submitted at the December 15, 2021, City Council meeting, and was subsequently approved at the January 2022 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. The City Clerk record is here. (Received September 2021)
+ 1932 North Fairfield
Applicant proposes to rehabilitate existing multi-unit dwelling by adding a basement accessory dwelling unit, and establishing a coach house (as of right, through the Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance). (Received August 2021) This proposal received a 1st Ward First Look review and additional neighborhood review. Based on neighborhood feedback, the 1st Ward Office recommends support of the zoning map amendment to legalize the third interior unit and add a partial third floor addition. This ordinance was introduced at the January City Council meeting, and substituted to include the plans reviewed by the community, to be approved at the subsequent February City Council Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. The City Clerk record is here.
+ 1509 West Fry
Originally received February 2021, applicant proposes to rehabilitate existing multi-unit dwelling by adding Floor Area to the top floor, and adding roof access. As of November 17, 2021, this property received a 1st Ward First Look review at the end of August, as well as neighborhood review, and the 1st Ward Office recommended that Alderman La Spata support this map amendment. Applicant submitted this ordinance at the February 23, 2022 City Council meeting; the 1st Ward Office awaits an updated ordinance to reflect the specific plans that received community review. City Clerk record is here.
+ 1212 North Ashland
The 1st Ward Office has received reuqest for zoning map amendment at 1212 N Ashland to establish a recreational cannabis dispensary. Wicker Park Committee reiterated a previous moratorium position regarding refusal to approve zoning map amendments until social equity applicants are available from the State. This applicant is officially a State of Illinois social equity license awardee. As of January 14, 2022, this proposal received a 1st Ward First Look in September 2021, as well as electronic feedback collection and review from Wicker Park Committee. Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Office are working with the applicant and Dept. of Planning and Development for next steps related to this proposal. Applicant submitted this ordinance at the February 23, 2022 City Council meeting, which is expected to be approved at the subsequent Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. City Clerk record is here.
+ 1637 West Huron
Originally received in September 2021, property owner completed some scope of work outside of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, by working without a permit on existing dwelling units. There is a stop work order present at the property. The property owner wishes to bring an existing attic unit into conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, but this cannot be accomplished through the Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance due to the Floor Area Ratio of the building. Therefore, the property owner seeks a zoning map amendment to bring the unit into conformance. Update as of November 17, 2021: The 1st Ward Office provided developer intake packet and community zoning information, and has reached out to City departments for an administration resolution of the informal work. Our Chicago Grand Neighbors reviewed this proposal, and did not recommend against this project. Applicant submitted this ordinance at the February 23, 2022 City Council meeting, which is expected to be approved at the subsequent Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. City Clerk record is here.
+ 2516 West Thomas
Originally received in September 2021, applicant proposes to rehabilitate existing multi-unit residence by adding an accessory dwelling unit. Property is outside of the City's ADU Ordinance Pilot Area, so a zoning map amendment is needed. This case appeared at a 1st Ward First Look, and the 1st Ward Office has circulated updated renderings through the zoning partners and through the Newsletter. Based on the response to this outreach, the 1st Ward Office recommended approval. Applicant submitted this ordinance at the February 23, 2022 City Council meeting, which is expected to be approved at the subsequent Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. City Clerk record is here.
+ 1912 W Division
Preliminary inquiries regarding this property werereceived by 1st Ward Office throughout 2020. This property receives ongoing discussions with the 1st Ward Office due to a utilities easement in the rear yard, which blocks alley access for parking; due to this difficulty, there are ongoing discussions about any potential project here. As of July 12, 2021, there is a new property owner, who has received basic zoning feedback from the 1st Ward Office based on previous research, and has received the 1st Ward Developer's Packet. (Received July 2021)
As of March 10, 2022: This case received a 1st Ward First Look review at the end of August, and 1st Ward Office has recommended referring the project for additional neighborhood review; the 1st Ward Office has collected supportive and opposing feedback from the 1st Ward First Look, and a letter of opposition from Wicker Park Committee. The 1st Ward Office requested construction cost and proposed unit rents for a number of different proposals, in order to assess redevelopment options at the site; based on neighborhood feedback and an analysis of construction costs for varying proposals, the 1st Ward Office recommended approval for the 7-unit proposal.
This proposal was formally submitted to City Council on March 23, 2022, and it is expected to pass at the subsequent Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards meeting in April. The City Clerk record is here. The City Clerk record is here.
+ 2536 West North
2536 West North Applicant proposes to rehabilitate existing storefront, and add two residential units above the storefront. This proposal appeared at the December 6, 2021, 1st Ward First Look, and has been referred to neighborhood zoning partners for additional comment. No additional update as of March 10, 2022. (Received November 2021) The City Clerk record is here.
+ 2934 - 2940 West Medill
The 1st Ward office received a proposal to demolish existing uses at the parcels comprising 2928 - 2940 West Medill, and establish a 56-unit development with ground-floor commercial use. By right, the applicant has C1-2 zoning, meaning that they can build 23 units and approximately 50 feet tall. (Initial inquiry received October 2020; developer packet received December 2020). This Ordinance was introduced to City Council in May 2021, prior to the completion of the 1st Ward Community Zoning process; it was deferred from the June 2021 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards meeting. The City Clerk Record is here. (Update as of March 10, 2022)
Based on community feedback, Alderman La Spata and staff saw the following trends that were most important to residents:
(1) Maintaining the art wall, and space for community art at the site of the proposal (2) Potentially reducing density, and providing a four-story version of the development (which is currently allowed by-right under the existing zoning) (3) Potentially reducing the scope of the building, in order to add more green space to the lot and bring the proposed development into greater design conformance with the neighborhood.
These areas of feedback are also aligned with a general priority to maintain and expand affordable housing in the neighborhood. To this end, Alderman La Spata has committed to work with the Department of Housing, Chicago Housing Authority, and the Department of Planning and Development to secure any necessary operating or development subsidies for affordable units at this site.
Some residents also had questions about a potential park proposal at the vacant lot adjacent to the proposed project site, which is currently owned by Liberty Bank. Alderman La Spata continues to meet with the bank in order to assess the feasibility of bringing more community space to Logan Square. The office has heard from residents in the area that due to the congestion across the neighborhood, more open space would be a great benefit.
Alderman La Spata has met with the development team and provided this feedback, in an effort to bring an updated proposal to the community. Alderman La Spata and staff continue to work with the development team in order to ensure that any development at this site will maintain the community benefit of the art wall, and will ensure that any development offers a wide-range of affordable housing options to area residents.
+ 2309 North Maplewood
Applicant proposes to rehabilitate existing single-unit residence by expanding the upper floor living space; a zoning map amendment is necessary because the applicant has been unable to proceed through the City's Zoning Board of Appeals or Administrative Adjustment variances. This case was referred to the Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association; as of January 14, 2022, the GGNA recommends approval, and Alderman La Spata supports the proposal. The applicant introduced a zoning map amendment at the April 27, 2022, City Council meeting, and it is expected to receive a recommendation of do pass at the subsequent Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards (Received November 2021; March 2022 update) Click on this link to read the City Clerk record.
+ 1320 North Wicker Park
Applicant wishes to use Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance to create ADUs, but their building is zoned Commercial. They have completed a 1st Ward Development intake form, descirbing the existing property and proposing a corresponding residential zoning to bring it into conformance with the Code and allow one additional dwelling unit to be constructed. As of March 2022, this proposal received a successful 1st Ward First Look on February 21, 2022. The 1st Ward Office awaits follow-up from the applicant on several specific details related to the plans. The applicant introduced a zoning map amendment at the April 27, 2022, City Council meeting, and it is expected to receive a recommendation of do pass at the subsequent Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards (Received November 2021) Click on this link to read the City Clerk record.
+ 1433 North Fairfield
Applicant proposes to rezone property to establish an additional dwelling unit within the existing building envelope. This proposal appeared at a 1st Ward First Look in April 2022, and was submitted at City Council in May 2022 and passed at the June 2022 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. (Received March 2022)
+ July 20, 2022 City Council Meeting: No 1st Ward Zoning Cases
No 1st Ward Zoning Cases were passed out of Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards for this meeting.
+ 460 North Noble (Aldermanic)
Alderman La Spata proposed a zoning map amendment to allow the existing single unit residence to conform with the zoning ordinance, by re-zoning it from Manufacturing to a Residential Single Unit District (RS-3). This Ordinance passed the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards and City Council at the September 21, 2022, meeting.
+ October 26, 2022 City Council Meeting: No 1st Ward Zoning Cases
No 1st Ward Zoning Cases were passed out of Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards for this meeting.
+ November 16, 2022 City Council: No Committee on Zoning
Due to the short turnaround between the October and November City Council meetings, the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards did not meet prior to the November 16, 2022, City Council meeting.
+ December 14, 2022 City Council: No 1st Ward Zoning Cases
No 1st Ward Zoning Cases were passed out of either Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards meeting for this City Council.
1863 West Race
(Second request) Applicant revised a previous proposal, to use an RT3.5 zoning district to allow for more height for a single-unit residence than is currently permitted in the underlying RS3 zoning district. This case was referred for community review to our Chicago Grand Neighbors, as well as a resident listserv in the immediate block, flyering, and electronic review on the 1st Ward website (above). Based on community support from our Chicago Grand Neighbors, neighbors on the block, and electronic feedback forms, Alderman La Spata would provide a recommendation of "do pass" for this ordinance at Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards. (City Clerk Ordinance Record) (Received September 2022; January 2023 update)
1912 West Division
This is a ministerial zoning ordinance to correct errors in the ordinance that was originally passed in spring 2022. (Current City Clerk record) (Original Ordinance)
+ 1858 West Chicago
Developer reached out to 1st Ward Office regarding a potential rezoning for previously established dwelling units at this property. City records have the building at 10 units, but developer states 12 units are existing. 1st Ward Office had developer look into legal records with the City, and looked into Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) considerations at this property. The 1st Ward Office worked with developer and City to ensure that the proposal meets the proper ARO designation, and as of November 2022 referred the proposal to East Village Association. (Received January 2022; updated March 2022; building was purchased as of September 2022; upon review of additional facts and no opposition from community group, 1st Ward Office provided favorable recommendation to Alderman La Spata)
+ Fullerton / Washtenaw (2 Ordinances)
Applicant proposes to rehabilitate existing credit union lot and parking lot into two 5-story, mixed use buildings (35 residential units, the majority of which are 3-bed, 3-bath or 3-bed, 2-bath units). As of August 2022, this proposal received a 1st Ward First Look on February 21, 2022; the case has been referred to Greater Goethe Neighbors and Logan Square Preservation for neighborhood review, who provided a feedback letter to Alderman La Spata and the development team. Following an additional meeting between GGNA, the Alderman, and Development Team, it was expected that this applicant will submit an initial zoning ordinance in July 2022, while final feedback is incorporated during the August 2022 City Council recess and during a community meeting on September 19, 2022. The Zoning Ordinances for both properties are available at the City Clerk website (2354, 2355) (Received January 2022)
+ 1416 North Maplewood
(Second inquiry) Applicant proposes to use Assessor Kaegi's affordable housing tax abatement program to construct an 8-unit, transit-served building, with two affordable units (60 percent Area Median Income). As of September 2022: This case appeared at a 1st Ward First Look, and the 1st Ward Office has received a proposal for rehabilitation at the property. This proposal has received two community meetings (1st Ward First Look in June, and a design review meeting following that First Look), and the 1st Ward Office is reviewing feedback with the applicant. Based on feedback received, Alderman La Spata would recommend "do pass" for an ordinance that proceeds with a rehabilitation of the existing property and adds an additional dwelling unit. The applicant submitted this proposal to the City Council Meeting on February 1, 2023, and it is expected that this ordinance will pass at the March 14, 2023, Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards meeting (City Clerk record) (Received September 2021; March 2023 update)
+ 2175 North Maplewood
To rehabilitate existing multi-unit residence and maintain existing coach house, this proposal will add an additional unit within the framework of the existing building. This zoning change was recommended following inconsistent permitting advice from the City of Chicago; Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Office exhausted administrative remedies, and therefore recommended an additional dwelling unit zoning map amendment. This ordinance was introduced to City Council on February 1, 2023, and is expected to pass Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards on March 14, 2023 (City Clerk record) (received January 2023; March 2023 update)
+ 1923 West Race
Resident proposed a zoning map amendment to complete an addition to an existing single unit residence. 1st Ward originally received the case in November 2022, and referred it to our Chicago Grand Neighbors. Our neighbors recommended support, and Alderman La Spata will not oppose a zoning map amendment. This zoning map amendment was submitted at the March 2023 City Council meeting, and it passed at the subsequent Committee on Zoning meeting.
Cases that were Recommended Denial (37), Lapsed or Withdrawn (113), or Uncertain (1)
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2019)
Denied Cases (7)
2455 North California Originally Deferred from September 10, 2019 Committee on Zoning (O2019-5531, Application Number 20084). Applicant proposes to rezone RS-3 single-unit district to RM 4.5 multi-unit district, to subdivide existing zoning lot into two separate zoning lots. On the new zoning lot, a three-story, 4-unit condominium is proposed next to existing three-story, 3-unit building. Originally deferred due to community process, which has included a “First Look” zoning meeting on July 22, 2019; review by Greater Goethe Neighborhood Association (recommended not to proceed, with counter-proposal for alternate development); and separate canvassing efforts by area residents and applicant; based on the full scope of community input, including opposition letters and recommendation not to proceed with four unit proposal, Alderman La Spata elected not to support the application. City Clerk Information available here. Plans available here.
1813 North Whipple (August 2019) -- proposed demolition of existing 2-story, four-unit residential building (rental ownership structure), to construct 3-story, eight-unit residential development (condominium ownership structure). Based on initial community outreach to 1st Ward zoning partners in Logan Square, and the bulk, density, and zoning conformity of the proposed use, Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this case forward to a full community process.
2902 – 2904 West Armitage (August 2019) – proposed demolition of existing two-story commercial space and second-floor residential use, to replace with four-story, 9 unit condominium building. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to lack of consistency with adjacent development, lack of zoning map consistency, proposed bulk and density of development, and viable “by-right” alternative (productive commercial space within existing low density commercial district). No project specific plans were submitted to 1st Ward office; a proposed rendering is available here; a proposed floor plan is available here.
2723 West Medill (August 2019) – proposed demolition of existing multi-unit building, to be replaced with 3.5 story, 6-unit condominium building with sale prices of $500,000. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to lack of conformance with adjacent development, lack of zoning map consistency, proposed bulk and density of development, and viable “by-right” multi-unit project (applicant may build a two-flat by right on a large zoning lot). Proposal package is available here.
2816 – 2818 West Lyndale (August 2019) – proposed four-unit condominium project to be built on existing vacant lot. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to lack of zoning map consistency, lack of consistency with adjacent development, proposed bulk and density of development, and viable “by-right” solution (existing RT-4 multi-unit zoning district). Proposal package is available here.
1836 North Albany (Deferred from June 25, 2019 Committee on Zoning; recommended denial from community zoning process. O2019-2663, Application 19997). Proposed demolition of existing legal non-conforming multi-unit residential use, to construct a three-story, 3 dwelling unit condominium building. After community process, which included one meeting (June 24, 2019), work with adjacent neighbors, and canvassing conducted by area residents, Alderman La Spata elected not to support this application. City Clerk Case Information. Proposed site plan is available here; a proposed floor plan is available here; and a proposed elevation is available here.
3520, 3531, and 3537 West Cortland (June 2019) – proposal of seven townhomes with sale prices of approximately $599,000, and four 3-flats across numerous lots. 19 total units proposed. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to failed negotiation regarding specific facts about the project. No specific plans were submitted to 1st Ward Office; a townhome rendering is available here; a multi-unit rendering is available here.
Case with "Uncertain" Status (1)
1806 North Monticello (Deferred under previous 1st Ward Office. Case pending updated application. See “Active Cases - Under Community Review”). According to 17-13-0309 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, “if the City Council does not take action on a proposed zoning map amendment within 6 months of the day the application is filed by the City Clerk with the City Council, the application will be considered to have been denied.” City Clerk Case Information.
Suspended Cases (1) 1376 West Grand Applicant inquiry regarding establishment of a combination art gallery and events space with approximately 200-person capacity, which would need a zoning map amendment to accommodate the capacity; a Public Place of Amusement license would also be necessary. 1st Ward office is reviewing applicant's documents, and applicant is currently assessing their ability to meet the City's off-street parking requirement for this capacity. Update as of June 2022: Applicant changed the scope of their proposal, and completed a length review process with Dept. of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection related to parking for a Public Place of Amusement license. The 1st Ward Office has scheduled this case for the July 11, 2022, 1st Ward First Look. As of August 2022, this case is viewed as suspended, following 1st Ward First Look meeting and review of parking requirements with the applicant. A number of factors related to this proposal may remain under review between the 1st ward Office and business, a future proposal may be brought to a community meeting depending on how the business owner proceeds with feedback on the proposal. (Received August 2021)
Lapsed or Withdrawn Cases (25)
2619 West Armitage Inquiry from applicant proposing to demolish existing service use, to construct a four-story, 6-unit condominium development. 1st Ward Office has receive developer intake packet, and discussed an alternative proposal to assess the feasibility of potential commercial use on-site (received October 2020). This case completed a 1st Ward First Look on April 19, 2021, and is under additional community review based on preliminary comments (July 12, 2021 Update; no update as of November 17, 2021). (Due to lack of response, this proposal is considered lapsed as of January 14, 2022)
2424 West North Potential cannabis dispensary case referred to West Bucktown Neighborhood Association Zoning Committee. Awaiting more information from applicant (referred in 2019). No update as of September 2020; case considered lapsed.
2501 North Western Working with applicant on specific details to determine potential community process for a proposed cannabis dispensary. Awaiting more information from applicant (no follow-up from applicant). Originally received by 1st Ward Office in 2019, no update as of September 2020 (case considered lapsed).
3129 West Armitage Working with property owner and applicant to determine potential community process for a proposed cannabis dispensary. Awaiting more information from applicant (no follow-up from applicant). Originally received by 1st Ward Office in 2019, no update as of September 2020 (case considered lapsed).
2010 West Superior (inquiry number 1 at this address) 1st Ward Office received preliminary inquiry about this address. Concept discussion included demolition of existing property, as well as infill development of vacant adjacent lot. 1st Ward Office provided intake documents to developer, awaiting more information (received June 2020).
1327 – 1329 North Western (Proposal Number 3 at this address) – inquiry regarding multi-unit condominium development with ground-floor residential, including 8 units for sale around $450,000. Currently working with owner of full zoning lot and Zoning Administrator regarding lapsed Type-1 zoning for an existing proposed project, which will need the zoning district re-set. Alderman La Spata introduced ordinance to re-set lapsed Type-1 zoning at December 18, 2019 City Council meeting, and is expected to hear this case at the February, 2020 Committee on Zoning meeting (see Approved Cases, 2020).
Regarding new proposal for 8 unit condominium development, the applicant attended a 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night meeting (January 23, 2020); Wicker Park Committee heard the case on Tuesday, 28, 2020, voting to oppose the application: "The Committee opposes first floor residential at this site." As of summer 2020, this case is considered withdrawn because the applicant revised the proposal into a 40-unit development during community review, and will now be under a new case review.
1536 West Ohio Proposed demolition of existing three-story, 3 unit building to construct 9 unit rental building. Reviewed by Eckhart Park Community Council (recommended approval); 1st Ward office sought additional input from Chicago Grand Neighbors Association due to this property’s nature as a border zoning case (recommended approval). Currently awaiting additional information about existing property, and determining additional community process due to the proposed bulk and density of this project. No update as of summer 2020. Plans available here.
1212 North Ashland Proposed rezoning of Business to Commercial district to develop a convenient store at this location. As of summer 2020, awaiting additional information from applicant; case referred to Wicker Park Committee, but applicant must provide specific storefront proposal for commercial re-zoning use.
1920 North Sawyer Proposed demolition of existing single-unit residential, to build multi-unit residential building (3 units within a two-story building). Currently working on community process, which included a community meeting on November 6, 2019. Proposed elevations available here; proposed floorplans available here; plat of survey available here. In summer of 2020, the 1st Ward Office received letter notifying intent to excavate lot to build a by-right building.
1838 - 1844 North Western (Deferred from June 25, 2019 Committee on Zoning. O2019-1347, Application 19958-T1). Proposed demolition of existing commercial use, to construct a six-story, 32 dwelling unit building with 5 parking spaces pursuant to the Transit Served Location provisions of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Deferred to complete community process, which included a community meeting on June 24, 2019. According to 17-13-0309 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, “if the City Council does not take action on a proposed zoning map amendment within 6 months of the day the application is filed by the City Clerk with the City Council, the application will be considered to have been denied.” City Clerk Case Information, which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans. As of June 2020, ownership group will be moving forward with the originally approved project from 2017. Email zoning@the1stward.com for more information.
1815 – 1821 North California (Deferred from June 25, 2019 Committee on Zoning. O2019-1355, Application 19970-T1). Proposed four-story residential building with 20 dwelling units. This is a Type 1 zoning change, where the proposed zoning map amendment would be restricted to substantial compliance with the proposed plans. Deferred due to community process, which included a community meeting on June 24, 2019. According to 17-13-0309 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, “if the City Council does not take action on a proposed zoning map amendment within 6 months of the day the application is filed by the City Clerk with the City Council, the application will be considered to have been denied.” City Clerk Case Information, which includes Type 1 Zoning Map Amendment plans.
1629 North Fairfield (November 2019). Proposed basement unit addition within existing multi-unit dwelling, to expand from 2 units to 3 unit dwelling. Applicant withdrew application following negotiations about specific project facts.
2612 West Cortland (Summer 2019). Proposed 3-unit multi-unit dwelling on existing vacant land. Applicant withdrew project, opting to sell land instead. West Bucktown Neighborhood Zoning Committee reviewed project plans and recommended denial of case; additional negotiations with applicant and community group stalled throughout summer 2019. City Clerk Case Information for O2019-2729, Application 20011.
1317 - 1333 N Western (Proposal Number 2 at this address, summer 2019). “PrimeCare” – potential non-profit redevelopment of existing vacant lot, to provide comprehensive health and well-being services. No update.
847 N Paulina (Summer 2019) – Rezone to add a unit and expand building during rehabilitation. No update.
2215 W North (Summer 2019) – proposed rehabilitation of orange-coded landmark church, to multifamily residential. Case was referred to Wicker Park Committee following a “First Look” meeting at the 1st Ward Office (August 22, 2019). No update. Proposed plans too large to upload; please email zoning@the1stward.com.
1549 N Oakley Potential inquiry regarding porch and deck. No update from applicant.
1542 N Western Proposed demolition to construct a 9-unit residential development. Applicant never followed up after initial negotiation of project details.
1317 - 1333 N Western (Proposal Number 1 at this address). Initial contact for a zoning inquiry, applicant never followed up
2739 W Haddon Potential basement apartment inquiry. Applicant never followed up
550 N Ogden Potential zoning inquiry. Applicant never followed up
1924 W Grand Initial contact for a zoning inquiry, specific proposal never materialized. Applicant never followed up
1753 N Maplewood Initial contact for demolition and redevelopment of manufacturing parcel to luxury housing concept. Applicant never followed up
2138 N Rockwell Initial contact for a zoning inquiry, specific proposal never materialized. Applicant never followed up
2450 North Milwaukee Inquiry regarding transit-served location residential development across from the former “Mega Mall” redevelopment, and adjacent to the recently-approved “Hollander” redevelopment. Currently determining community process. Applicant never followed up.
1900 Block of West Grand Inquiry regarding potential residential use; current manufacturing district adjacent to the Kinzie Industrial Corridor. Currently determining community process; reaching out to 27th Ward to propose joint-comprehensive planning effort on Grand Avenue. Applicant never followed up.
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2020)
Denied Cases (8)
1503 West Walton (second inquiry) 1st Ward Office received a completed development packet, proposed to demolition existing residential structure to construct a 3-unit development. 1st Ward Office is reviewing zoning consistency in the area, and a comparison between RT (Residential Townhome) and RM (Residential Multi-Unit) zoning districts (received October 2020). Eckhart Park Community Council recommended opposition of this zoning map amendment, and the 1st Ward Office recommended the same to Alderman La Spata, based on the proposed bulk and density of the proposal.
1513 West Erie 1st Ward Office received a completed development packet and site plans for a proposed demolition of existing multi-unit housing, to construct 3 residential condominium units. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward staff have taken the facts of the case under review, including a meeting with the zoning atorney and developer to better understand issues with the existing property. The applicant must provide information related to the condition of the existing property (received September 2020). The 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to this zoning map amendment based on the proposed bulk and density of the proposal, and characteristics of the subject property within the scope of this area.
1911 North Francisco 1st Ward Office received a question from a zoning attorney regarding a proposed demolition of existing residence, to build a three-unit condominium development. The attorney refused to submit a 1st Ward Developer intake packet, and requested Alderman La Spata's opinion prior to community review process. The attorney refused to participate in the 1st Ward Office zoning process, and the case will not be moving forward.
460 North Noble 1st Ward Office received a complete development packet and site plans for a proposed demolition of existing non-conforming single-unit residence in a Manufacturing district, to construct multi-unit residential condominium development. Since the 1st Ward Office is working with area stakeholders, community groups, planning agencies, and the Department of Planning and Development to study and re-zone Grand Avenue, this case will not receive its own separate community process.
1812 West Grand The 1st Ward Office receieved an inquiry to modify the existing Type-1 zoning map amendment (from 2015) at 1812 W Grand, in order to construct a five story mixed use development with four units (four duplex condominiums). Upon preliminary review of the existing zoning map amendment (for a four-story mixed use development, with five units), and the proposal, the 1st Ward Staff recommended not to proceed to Alderman La Spata, based on the reduction of density, as well as the bulk and height of the new proposal. Upon initial review, our Chicago Grand Neighbors provided a position in opposition to the updated zoning map amendment (received July 2020). The applicant has a valid, existing Type-1 zoning map amendment at the subject property, and can build the proposed four-story mixed use development.
1503 West Walton Proposal to demolish existing multi-unit residential building to construct a four-story, 3-unit condominium development under a RM multi-unit zoning district. Based on feedback from the Eckhart Park Community Council, as well as a review of adjacent zoning districts, and the bulk and density of the proposed use, Alderman La Spata elected not to support this application. Proposal originally received in February 2020, and was referred to initial community review in the same month. Based on initial community feedback, there was no community meeting for this proposal.
1437 North California Proposal to redevelop large vacant lot, fronting both California and Fairfield, with approximately 34 units of infill development. The proposal includes two separate buildings to replicate infill development on both California and Fairfield. The proposed tenure may include both condominium and rental units. Applicant has significantly revised proposal since original submittal (between 50 - 60 unit proposal received in autumn of 2019); first community meeting occurred Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Based on community feedback regarding the scope of this project, this project will not move forward for additional community review.
1509 West Ohio Preliminary inquiry to demolish existing residential property, in order to construct four-story, 3-unit project. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Office did not bring this project to full community review due to failed negotiation regarding specific facts about the project, particularly based on MLS #10580786, which described the property as recently updated and a great condition rental including a tenant currently renting the property at $1,400. Under appeal from property owner, this application received additional community review with Eckhart Park Community Council. In a letter dated March 19, 2020, the Eckhart Park Community Council recommended against the zoning map amendment, based on the condition of the existing property, surrounding development trends, and the proposed housing (compared to the type of housing stock lost). Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward staff concur.
Lapsed Cases (23)
1858 West Grand Avenue The 1st Ward Office received a proposal for a zoning map amendment and Public Place of Amusement license, to bring an informal event space into conformance with the City Ordinances. The 1st Ward Office is reviewing the licensing history and other previous complaints with the relevant City Departments, in order to determine next steps. Applicant followed 1st Ward Office advice to receive guidance from the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection regarding a Public Place of Amusement license, and is awaiting additional response from applicant. (Received May 2021; applicant returned to office after working with Dept. in June 2022; as of January 2023 this case is considered lapsed)
2500 West Moffat / 1852 North Campbell 1st Ward Office received a complete development packet and site plans for a proposed multi-unit residential development at the existing vacant lot on Moffat / Campbell. 1st Ward Office is reviewing the facts of the case to determine appropriate community process (received September 2020); application withdrawn due to change in concept (to single-unit residence).
2138 North Rockwell The subject property received a Type-1 zoning map amendment in 2018, to demolish the existing property and construct four dwelling units, A new applicant is proposing to revise the zoning map amendment, to construct three townhome units. Our Greater Goethe Neighbors are reviewing the case, as their original approval in 2018 stipulated that any revisions to the zoning map amendment return to community review. (Inquiry received in May 2020; community review process began in August 2020; application withdrawn due to real estate contract dispute).
2455 North California (second inquiry) The 1st Ward Office received a preliminary inquiry regarding redevelopment of this property. The 1st Ward Office provided information about the previous community process for this project (see 2019).
2013 North Point (second inquiry) The 1st Ward Office received a preliminary inquiry from realtors requesting community input about redevelopment potential for this property. The 1st Ward Office does not typically conduct concept review for zoning cases, and does not typically conduct zoning review for marketing purposes.
1358 West Ohio 1st Ward Office received request for ad hoc re-zoning of a vacant parcel from Residential Single-Unit District to Residential Multi-Unit District. Provided 1st Ward community zoning and developer packet documents, awaiting a specific proposal to determine community review (received June 2020).
1266 - 1268 North Milwaukee Proposed adult use cannabis dispenary. 1st Ward Office received developer's packet and Plat of Survey, awaiting proposed plans and designing community process (spring 2020). Based on advocacy from Wicker Park Committee, 1st Ward Office held recreational cannabis zoning process to await more information regarding social equity licenses.
1370 North Milwaukee (two proposals) Originally proposed by an existing medical cannabis dispensary, applicant opted not to pursue this location at the Zoning Board of Appeals adult use recreational cannabis lottery (2019). Currently under review for another potential dispensary-related request; awaiting more information from applicant (spring 2020). As of September 2020, this proposal has no updates and is considered lapsed.
2013 North Point Proposal to demolish existing two-unit residential property, in order to construct seven townhome / condominium project (initial proposal was for eight townhomes; new concept with reduced unit count received March 31, 2020). This appeared during the 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night, February 27, 2020 (1958 North Milwaukee, 6pm to 8pm); 1st Ward Staff referred review to Greater Goethe Neighbors, with staff concept review notes, to determine additional community zoning process. Substantive critique from the 1st Ward "First Look" meeting was sent to Greater Goethe Neighbors and development team (more affordable units; less bulk and density; and more greenspace were substantive critiques). The development team never followed up with 1st Ward Office, and the real estate contract did not proceed with this proposal.
2820 West Lyndale Original inquiry in 2019 regarding three adjacent parcels, to build 40 dwelling units on existing vacant lot; was placed under review while working with applicant on potential alternative plans. Applicant proceeded with by-right development according to the existing zoning district.
2723 West Medill (2nd Proposal at this address. First denied in 2019). Preliminary inquiry regarding demolition of existing multi-unit residential, to construct four-unit (double duplex) development. Awaiting more information (received March 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
827 North Bishop Preliminary inquiry regarding multi-unit zoning at the subject property. Awaiting more information (received March 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
2140 West Superior Preliminary inquiry to add an accessory dwelling unit in the existing basement, which would require interior construction but no proposed change to the exterior (received February 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
1812 West Grand (Request 1) Preliminary inquiry regarding previous Type-1 Zoning Map Amendment (City Clerk Information here). Awaiting plans and formal proposal (various requests, 2019 through February 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
2637 West Fullerton Preliminary inquiry about potential zoning map amendment from B3-1 to B2-3. No specific plans submitted (received January 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
1438 North Artesian Preliminary inquiry to add accessory unit on ground floor of existing three-unit, four story residential building. Awaiting plans and formal proposal (received January 2020 -- applicant never followed up).
521 North Ashland 1st Ward Office received preliminary inquiry about this address. Developer Packet and Community Zoning documents were provided (received May 2020).
1736 North Richmond Preliminary inquiry to produce multi-parcel infill development. Awaiting additional information (received February 2020).
1736 - 1738 North Washtenaw Preliminary inquiry to demolish existing two-unit dwelling, to build a multi-unit building on two parcels. Potential six unit building was the first inquiry. Awaiting plans and formal proposal (received February 2020; continued inquiries through June 2020, no response to intake packet).
725 North Hoyne Proposed zoning map amendment to bring a first-floor tavern into conformity with adjacent residential area. Awaiting additional information (received January 2020).
1523 West Fry Proposed zoning map amendment to bring an existing four-unit residential building into conformance with the zoning code. Awaiting additional information (received January 2020). As of April 2020, 1st Ward Office is negotiating project details with applicant to fully understand the scope of the proposal.
1931 North Whipple Inquiry to demolish existing two-unit residential building, to establish a four-unit luxury condominium project. Received development packet and preliminary plans (received January 2020; updated March 2020).
2347 West Huron Preliminary inquiry, awaiting specific proposal to determine community process (received January 2020).
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2021)
Denied Cases (7)
2453 - 2455 North California (Second Inquiry) Property owner proposes to construct a single-unit residence at 2455 N California. Since the existing three flat on the zoning lot exhausts the available floor area ratio, a zoning map amendment for 2453 N California is needed in order to build the single-unit residence. 1st Ward Office awaits developer's packet for follow-up. As of November 2021, due to the details of the single-unit residence proposal received in the intake packet, the 1st Ward Office recommended against approval for a zoning map amendment for a single-unit residence. The 1st Ward Office is working with the applicant regarding a multi-unit proposal. (Received September 2021)
1416 North Maplewood Applicant proposes to demolish existing multi-unit dwelling to construct a four-unit multi-unit rental building. 1st Ward Office received and reviewed developer intake packet. Based on additional follow-up correspondence regarding demolition and total development cost assumptions, 1st Ward office recommended denial of this proposed zoning map amendment. (Received July 2021)
1807 - 1809 West Augusta The 1st Ward office received a complete development packet, proposed to demolish two existing buildings at the subject property, in order to construct 6-unit residential condominium building. Upon further review of the facts of the proposal, 1st Ward office recommended denial of the proposal, since the existing RT-4 Townhome zoning allows for the construction of at least 5 residential units by right; since the subject property also is within an Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance pilot area, the existing properties could receive additional density through the construction of accessory dwelling units and/or coach houses. (Received August 2021)
1638 West Division The 1st Ward office received a completed development packet, proposed to construct a five-story, 3 unit building with commercial space on the ground floor. 1st Ward Office recommended denial of the proposal upon receipt, based on the bulk and density of the proposal. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the proposal and did not recommend support of a zoning map amendment, because there is a viable mixed-use proposal under the existing zoning district. (Received April 2021)
1718 West Erie (Second Inquiry) Proposal to demolish existing residential property, and establish a 3-unit residential development. The 1st Ward Office informed the applicant that since this property is within the coach house & additional dwelling unit ordinance pilot, an additional unit may be added without a zoning map amendment. (Received February 2021)
1428 North Bell The 1st Ward Office received a completed developer's packet, plat of survey, and preliminary rendering to add a third floor to the existing two-story residential building at this address. 1st Ward Office provided preliminary review and zoning analysis to Alderman La Spata, and referred the case to the Wicker Park Committee. Based on the bulk of the proposal and lack of additional density, Alderman La Spata would recommend denial of a zoning map amendment for this proposal (Received September 2020).
1472 West Ohio Applicant reached out to the 1st Ward Office to propose the demolition of existing 4-unit front and rear structures, to develop a 3-unit residential building. 1st Ward Office provided development intake packet, and is awaiting further details about the viability of preserving existing structures and density at the lot, since the proposed zoning change reduces density. Alderman La Spata toured the subject property with relevant agents, and based on the bulk and density of the proposed zoning map amendment, as well as the presence of at least two rehabilitation buyers for the property, Alderman La Spata will not bring this case through community review. (Received December 2020)
Lapsed or Withdrawn Cases (29)
2013 North Point (Third inquiry) Property owner inquiry regarding the establishment of an additional residential building in the rear of the lot. No additional follow-up received following November 2021, proposal is considered withdrawn. (Received September 2021)
2851 West Belden Agent inquiry regarding up-zoning this lot. 1st Ward Office provided developer intake packet, and awaits response. October 1, 2021: No additional update. (Received August 2021; due to lack of response, this case is considered lapsed as of January 2022)
2007 West North. The 1st Ward Office received an inquiry regarding a recreational cannabis dispensary at 2007 W North. The 1st Ward Office has requested that the applicant determine whether this building is located far enough away from an existing dispensary located north of West North Ave. on North Damen. The 1st ward Office also provided community zoning and developer intake documents, and awaits more information. As of November 2021, the 1st ward Office understands that a new tenant has taken this space, so this application is considered withdrawn. (Received September 2021)
2215 West North (Second Inquiry) Applicant inquiry regarding redevelopment of existing vacant church, to rehabilitate for residential units.
1222 - 1234 North Paulina The 1st Ward Office received a completed developer's intake packet, proposing to demolish existing residential structure, to develop 12 townhomes at this location. The 1st Ward Office provided preliminary zoning comments, but received no additional response from the applicant as of November 2021. (Received June 2021)
2705 - 2719 West Fullerton Applicant inquiry regarding the general redevelopment of the parking lot at Washtenaw and Fullerton and the adjacent bank building. 1st Ward Office provided developer intake packet, and awaits response. As of November 2021, the 1st Ward Office is aware of an offer under contract at this site, so this specific inquiry is considered closed. (Received July 2021)
St. Sylvester's Church Campus The 1st Ward Office is aware of a proposed adaptive reuse acquisition and redevelopment of vacant and underutilized buildings on St. Sylvester's Church campus. As of October 1, 2021 Update: 1st Ward Office provided applicant community zoning and developer's intake documents, and awaits more information as this proposal is under conceptual development. As of October 25, 2021, the 1st Ward Office received word from the Church that their approval is required for any sale, and they do not approve of sale. Therefore, this proposal is considered withdrawn on request of property owner. (Received September 2021)
2500 West North Attorney inquiry regarding redevelopment of existing commercial strip. 1st Ward Office provided developer intake packet, and awaits response. As of October 1, 2021, the 1st Ward Office understands that there is a new proposal for purchasing the property that does not require a zoning map amendment. This new proposal would establish a packaged goods store at the property, which would be subject to a Special Use Permit at the Zoning Board of Appeals. (Received August 2021)
MOCA / Ascend Logan Square. The existing dispensary at 2847 West Fullerton Avenue seeks interior renovations that would constitute an expansion of Special Use Permit. Typically, this type of expansion requires approval from Zoning Board of Appeals, and approval for this proposal was previously sought at the ZBA in early 2020 (denied). Since the previous Zoning Board of Appeals application was filed prior to the City of Chicago's Cannabis Zoning Ordinance in October 2019, the existing use did not require a zoning map amendment at that time. However, now a proposal to expand the existing dispensary use is subject to the changes in the October 2019 Cannabis Zoning Ordinance, which means that this dispensary requires a zoning map amendment.
The 1st Ward Office is awaiting completion of a developer intake packet, reaching out to the new ownership group of the dispensary, and entering into preliminary conversations with residents and community zoning partners. As of October 1, 2021, since Mayor Lightfoot introduced and passed a revised Cannabis Zoning Ordinance, this dispensary no longer needs a zoning map amendment. This proposal will go through a Special use Permit for expansion of the dispensary, which will be determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
2617 West Fullerton Applicant inquiry regarding the redevelopment of this zoning lot. 1st Ward Office provided developer intake packet, and awaits response. (Received May 2021)
1716 North Artesian Applicant inquiry regarding demolition of existing residence to establish 3-unit residential development. 1st Ward Office provided development intake packet. (Received May 2021)
1642 North Campbell Applicant inquiry regarding demolition of existing residence to establish 3-unit residential development. 1st Ward Office provided development intake packet. (Received May 2021)
2417 West Fullerton Applicant inquiry regarding the rehabilitation of existing 6-unit residence to establish 10-to-11 units via rehabilitation of the building. Since the seller will not provide a real estate contract with a zoning contingency, 1st Ward Office advised the applicant to price out their investment expectations to acquire and operate a 6-unit residence. The 1st Ward Office awaits any update for new plans if a purchase of the property is completed. (Received May 2021)
1837 North Monticello The 1st Ward office received a proposal to construct a 3-flat at the existing vacant lot at 1837 North Monticello. The 1st Ward office has received developer intake packet, and has the application under preliminary community review (received January 2021). This case completed a virtual community meeting on April 20, 2021, and the 1st Ward Office worked with applicant on additional feedback. As of September 2021, the 1st Ward Office has heard no additional follow-up from the applicant, so the case is considered withdrawn.
1420 North Milwaukee (Deferred from October 15, 2019 and November 19, 2019 Committee on Zoning. O2019-6856, Application 20152). Proposed rehabilitation of four-unit mixed use building with ground floor retail, to create an eight-unit mixed use building. No changes to the exterior footprint of the building. Wicker Park Committee reviewed the case, and has not provided a recommendation of support. Deferred to complete community process, including resolution of Landmark District concerns. [City Clerk information available here]. Plans available here. Since no resolution occurred prior to the beginning of other rehabilitation work at the property, this application is considered withdrawn.
1628 West Division Since taking office, Alderman La Spata has worked on the Planned Development at 1628 West Division, first through the outreach and concerns raised by the Wicker Park Committee, and now with the Departments of Law and Planning and Development. Since late summer 2019, the Planned Development has been subject to a lawsuit from Vermilion, the developer of the adjacent project (Case 2019-CH-09565; Case 2019-CH-06958). The legal aspect of this Planned Development continues, as the plaintiff is appealing the Judge's order to dismiss with prejudice (you can follow the record at the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County).
In May 2020, Alderman La Spata introduced an Ordinance proposing to re-zone the Planned Development to its underlying district; there will be no downzoning of the property. The development team continues to work on their proposed building, and Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward office continue to work with the development team, the Department of Planning and Development, and the Department of Law.
The Ordinance is available here.The City Clerk record is available here. The original Planned Development Ordinance is available here. Since the applicant is proceeding with a 13-story, 121-unit amendment to the Planned Development, this zoning map amendment is considered withdrawn.
1347 West Grand Applicant inquiry regarding expired Type 1 zoning map amendment at the property; proposed to re-zone property to reduce density. 1st Ward office is collecting more information. No update as of May 2021.
2544 West Wabansia (Ongoing Inquiries) Preliminary inquiry regarding this property received by 1st Ward Office. 1st Ward Office provided 1st Ward Development Packet. Awaiting further information; no update as of May 2021(received November 2020).
2013 North Point (Second proposal) Applicant proposes to demolish existing multi-unit residential building, to construct a three-story, 5 unit townhome development. 1st Ward Office is providing developer intake packet, and collecting more information (Received December 2020). Following additional discussions, applicant has submitted a new proposal to create a mixed income development under the single-resident occupancy zoning code. Unfortunately, the real estate contract involving this property was rescinded prior to a 1st Ward First Look meeting in April 2021.
2104 North Western Preliminary inquiry regarding this property received by 1st Ward Office. 1st Ward Office provided 1st Ward Development Packet. Awaiting further information (received November 2020).
1718 West Erie Preliminary inquiry to demolish existing residential property, and establish a 3-unit residential development. The 1st Ward Office sent developer's intake packet, and informed the applicant that since this property is within the coach house & additional dwelling unit ordinance pilot, an additional unit may be added without a zoning map amendment. (Received January 2021)
2317 West Iowa Proposal for zoning map amendment to rehabilitate existing six-unit building, and add two basement units to bring the total on-site units to 8. Awaiting development intake form, and also reached out to our Ukrainian Village Neighbors for advice on proceeding with community review (received July 2020).Since the Coach House / Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance passed, this project can be built without a zoning map amendment.
2320 North Milwaukee Proposal to rehabilitate existing commercial and residential / live-work spaces to develop 8 residential dwelling units above a commercial space. Currently working with applicant regarding details about existing tenants at the property (received March 2020).
3600 West Cortland Proposal to demolish existing auto-oriented use, to construct seven unit residential rental project. This case appeared during the 1st Ward "First Look" Ward Night, February 27, 2020 (1958 North Milwaukee, 6pm to 8pm); concept is currently under review with the development team and 1st Ward staff, along with additional community feedback collected from an email listserv of neighbors on West Cortland. After substantial debate about whether there would be a restaurant use or a residential use proposed at the site during the COVID-19 pandemic, the development team decided to proceed with a residential proposal. This proposal was to be scheduled for a community meeting, but no update from developer ever occurred (as of February 1, 2021).
1120 North Wood 1st Ward Office received a preliminary inquiry regarding a potential modification to a condominium unit, to expand available living space (received July 2020). Following preliminary outreach to East Village Association, provided resident with documents necessary to submit zoning proposal for community review. A zoning process for this address would progress through East Village Association. No update from applicant, deemed a lapsed case as of February 1, 2021.
2010 West Superior (second inquiry) 1st Ward Office received a preliminary inquiry regarding a single-unit residence for the vacant lot adjacent to 2010 West Superior, which is sold as a package deal with the existing two-flat residential building. 1st Ward Office provided information related to zoning procedures, including a zoning map amendment procedure; Zoning Board of Appeals; and Administrative Adjustment information (received September 2020). No update as of February 1, 2021.
1313 - 1317 North Moorman (Ongoing inquiries at this address. First calls to office received throughout 2019; additional inquiries received spring 2020; additional inquires received October 2020). Preliminary inquiry regarding redevelopment proposal along the Blue Line. 1st Ward Office provided intake documents to developer, awaiting more information. No update as of February 1, 2021.
1239 North Wood Preliminary inquiry regarding this property received by 1st Ward Office. 1st Ward Office provided 1st Ward Development Packet. Awaiting further information (received October 2020). No update as of February 1, 2021.
2428 - 2436 North Western Applicant reached out to 1st Ward Office for concept review of numerous parcels for redevelopment. 1st Ward Office does not typically provide concept review. From the standpoint of the surrounding built environment, the by-right permission to develop 11 dwelling units with Special Use Permit for ground floor residential would be suitable for the area. Awaiting details from applicant. No update as of February 1, 2021.
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2022)
Denied Cases (9)
1511 West Fry (Numerous inquiries) Realtor reached out regarding demolition and up-zone at this address. 1st Ward Office noted the recent rehabilitation zoning cases that have occurred in the Ward, such as 1513 West Erie. Awaiting additional follow-up as property owner fields offers for purchase; the 1st Ward Office has encouraged a zoning map amendment to add a unit to the existing structure. (Latest inquiry received June 2022; as of January 2023, applicant has not sought a rehabilitation zoning change; 1st Ward Office recommends opposition to proposed demolition upzone)
1931 North Whipple Realtor reached out regarding demolition and up-zone at this address. 1st Ward Office noted recent rehab projects occurring throughout the Ward, including zoning changes to make additional units work at those developments. 1st Ward Office recommends against demolition, and has noted that the zoning lot can be redeveloped with three units by right. (Received March 2022; as of January 2023, applicant has been provided with redevelopment analysis of the lot to develop three units by right, so a demolition upzone is not recommended)
1863 West Race Applicant proposed constructing a 36-foot tall single-unit residence with 4,182 square feet, and a zoning map amendment would be required to increase the square feet. Following a review of the proposed construction costs, in addition to the land acquisition costs, and the available square footage under the standard RS-3 Single Unit Residence District, Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Office would recommend against this zoning map amendment. (Received April 2022)
2431 West Fullerton Applicant is interested in purchasing subject property, to construct a mixed-use development. The 1st Ward Office provided initial proposal comments and a developer's packet, and awaits more information. Following 1st Ward First Look in Spring 2022, resident feedback overwhelmingly demonstrated that a proposal for redevelopment at this lot needs to return to the drawing board. (Received November 2021; additional update sent to office in March 2022)
1503 West Walton (third inquiry) 1st Ward Office received a completed development packet, proposed to demolition existing residential structure to construct a 3-unit development. 1st Ward Office is reviewing zoning consistency in the area, and a comparison between RT (Residential Townhome) and RM (Residential Multi-Unit) zoning districts (received October 2020). Eckhart Park Community Council recommended opposition of this zoning map amendment, and the 1st Ward Office recommended the same to Alderman La Spata, based on the proposed bulk and density of the proposal. This received a 1st Ward First Look on Monday, May 10, 2021, and received further consideration with adjacent residents based on initial feedback from the community meeting. As of March 2022, the development team refuses to consider community feedback.
2123 North Point The 1st Ward Office received a zoning concept proposal to add another floor to an existing single-unit residence. Based on the bulk of the proposal and lack of additional density, Alderman La Spata would recommend denial of a zoning map amendment for this proposal. (Received March 2022)
1940 North Sawyer Zoning attorney reached out to propose demolition of existing structure and constuction of two 3-flat properties, where two 2-flat properties would already be permitted by right. (Inquiry received February 2022)
1362 - 1376 West Hubbard (Numerous inquiries) Applicant proposes to redevelop existing manufacturing use; 1st Ward Office recommends preserving productive commercial and manufacturing uses adjacent to the Kinzie Industrial Corridor. 1st Ward Office is working with economic development stakeholders to determine next steps. (Received November 2021; throughout early 2022)
2501 - 2555 North Elston At the June 22, 2022 City Council meeting, Fox Motors submitted a zoning ordinance that includes a Planned Development for expanding their auto dealership. The proposal for this ordinance has not yet made it through the 1st Ward community zoning process, and was submitted without my knowledge or that of the 1st Ward office. The original inquiry for this zoning map amendment was received in February 2022, at which point Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to any zoning change due to the demolition of the existing industrial and commercial buildings, which are currently home to a diversity of businesses and employees. On July 11, 2022, the applicant informed 1st Ward Office that the private real estate contract could not be satisfied by one of the parties, so this case is considered withdrawn from the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards; this case is filed under "Denied" because of the initial recommendations against a zoning map amendment.
Lapsed Cases (29)
2008 - 2010 North Western Applicant reached out regarding parking lot in a transit-served area. Developer's packet includes a proposal for a 23-unit Transit-Served mixed use building, with one commercial space; 5 affordable housing units (per Ordinance); and 4 parking spaces. The 1st Ward Office is requesting an alternative proposal with larger units, to assess resident preference for household size adjacent to transit. As of September 2022, this proposal received a 1st Ward First Look appearance in June 2022, and the 1st Ward Office is working with the applicant to incorporate feedback into the development. Due to Dept. of Planning and Development zoning interpretation, the applicant has changed plans (24 dwelling units proposed, 2 commercial spaces), and the 1st Ward Office is reviewing next steps in community review as of September 2022. As of January 31, 2023, the 1st Ward Office learned the land deal dropped, so this proposal cannot occur. (Received April 2022)
2345 North Milwaukee An agent reached out regarding a proposed zoning map amendment to demolish the existing one-story commercial building, in order to establish a four story building with up to 5 dwelling units. 1st Ward Office informed agent of the ongoing Milwaukee Avenue planning process, and provided a basic zoning analysis of the current property, which would support a height up to 38 feet, 9000 square feet of floor area, and up to three dwelling units. As of January 31, 2023, the 1st Ward Office is aware of a license application at the existing building that would be permitted under the current zoning, so this application is considered withdrawn. (Received January 2023)
1746 West Division A zoning attorney reached out with a completed zoning intake packet, proposing a zoning map amendment to allow for expanding the existing building footprint for the existing restaurant use to expand, and to establish an additional kitchen and storage space on-site. 1st Ward Office provided preliminary review recommending that the expansion of the business occur within the existing B3-2 zoning district. After reviewing the facts with the applicant, it is understood that the applicant will be submitting an application for zoning relief through the Zoning Board of Appeals. (Revised November 2022)
2000 North Whipple block An agent reached out regarding another potential zoning matter. This may or may not be a zoning change proposal. 1st Ward Office provided development intake packet and more information about zoning process, and is awaiting more information. (Received October 2022)
2049 North Albany An agent reached out to discuss a potential zoning proposal to establish up to four dwelling units at the subject vacant lot. 1st Ward Office provided development intake packet and more information about zoning process, and is awaiting more information. (Received October 2022)
1731 North Fairfield An analyst reached out for a general zoning review of 1731 North Fairfield. The 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake documents, Predominance of the Block Ordinance review, and zoning analysis of the block. Awaiting more information, may not result in a zoning change request. (Received October 2022; agent reached out and mentioned property was sold without zoning change, so this case is considered withdrawn)
1373 - 1375 North Milwaukee Business reached out with a completed intake packet to establish a Public Place of Amusement license with incidental liquor license, along with existing retail use. 1st Ward Office is investigating whether a zoning map amendment is actually needed. (Received September 2022; lapsed after no additional follow-up, January 2023)
1536 West Chestnut (Second inquiry) Zoning attorney reached out regarding potential demolition of existing residence and multi-unit condo redevelopment. 1st Ward Office recommended a zoning map amendment to add an additional dwelling unit in a rehab of existing building. (Received September 2022; lapsed after no additional follow-up, January 2023)
1652 North Mozart Agent reached out regarding a zoning change at the subject address, to demolish existing property and establish condos. 1st Ward Office provided guidance on the Predominance of the Block and Additional Dwelling Unit ordinances. 1st Ward Office offered an exploratory process for a zoning map amendment to establish a legal dwelling unit in the full basement, and add a coach house via the Addtional Dwelling Unit ordinance. (Received July 2022; lapsed after no additional follow-up, January 2023)
1850 North Kedzie Agent reached out regarding a zoning change at the subject address, to demolish existing property and establish condos. 1st Ward Office recommended building according to the Predominance of the Block ordinance; due to lot size, this building can construct a legal two-flat by right. (Received July 2022; lapsed after no additional follow-up, January 2023)
1200 North Ashland The 1st Ward Office received a request for zoning map amendment at 1200 North Ashland, to acommodate a Special Use Permit for rooftop dining. A zoning map amendment is necessary to permit the Floor Area Ratio for some of the interior and roof renovations necessary to operate rooftop dining. The existing building "as-is" exceeds the Floor Area of its current zoning district. This proposal includes no changes to the footprint or height of the building. This case will be heard at the 1st Ward, First Look meeting on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. As of July 12, 2021, the 1st Ward Office is awaiting information about the specific business who is applying for this zoning map amendment (As of November 2022, it is understood that there is a new applicant for this space and the zoning proposal is considered withdrawn).
1710 West Augusta Potential contract purchaser reached out regarding existing building at 1710 W Augusta, to be converted to a potential commercial use (gym). 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake documents and awaits more information. (Received August 2022)
1711 West Huron Agent reached out regarding a zoning change at 1711 West Huron, to demolish existing property and establish condos. 1st Ward Office offered a zoning map amendment process to add a unit with the existing building, and recommended rehabbing the existing two-flat and using the Additional Dwelling Unit ordinance to add a third unit. (Received May 2022)
1924 West Grand Property owner reached out regarding a zoning change at 1924 West Grand. 1st Ward Office provided developer's intake packet. Awaiting more information. (Received May 2022)
2428 - 2436 North Western (Second Inquiry) Applicant reached out regarding concept for a transit-served location development. 1st Ward Office provided feedback from first inquiry, as well as developer's intake packet. Awaiting more information. (Received April 2022)
2515 West Charleston Property owner reached out regarding zoning scenarios to legalize an existing fourth unit on the property and potentially add another ADU. 1st Ward Office is reviewing scenarios with the property owner. (Received April 2022)
633 North Noble Business applicant reached out regarding potential rezoning of existing storefront. The 1st Ward Office is reviewing facts with the applicant, to determine next steps. (Received April 2022)
1736 - 1738 North Washtenaw (Second Inquiry) Property owner continued inquiries regarding demolition of existing multi-unit residence in order to construct a multi-unit residence. 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake packet and awaits information. (April 2022)
2247 North Maplewood Property owner reached out regarding sale of their property and potential proposed demolition. 1st Ward Office provided developer's packet for proposed buyer, and is awaiting more information; no update was received by March 2022, so this case is considered lapsed. (Received November 2021)
1512 West Superior Applicant is working on an off-market acquisition, and proposed demolition of existing multi-unit residence to establish a new multi-unit residence. Alderman La Spata and 1st Ward Staff recommend a zoning map amendment to legalize existing unsanctioned basement unit to rehabilitate property. (December 2021)
1746 West Grand Real estate agent reached out to the office to discuss the redevelopment of several contiguous lots along Grand and Hartland. As of January 14, 2022, the 1st Ward Office provided developer intake packet and awaits a proposal; since no follow up was received prior to March 2022, this case is considered lapsed. (received November 2021)
2418 N Milwaukee -- "The Hollander" (Additional inquiry) Property owner reached out to the 1st Ward Office to discuss a new mixed-use concept at the subject property, due to the rehabilitation costs involved with the building. This property has received two prior zoning changes brought forward by the owner: the first zoning change established rehab and new construction for a 100% commercial use development, based around lifestyle and food & beverage uses; the second zoning change was a voluntary down-zone that re-established the underlying zoning district when the property owner deemed the original zoning change unfeasible. Alderman La Spata and the 1st Ward Staff recommend that the property owner proceed with one of the prior two zoning change concepts; if the property is re-zoned, it will receive a community process. (Received January 2022)
1757 North Talman Residents reached outo to 1st Ward Office for zoning proposal for rehabilitation of existing multi-unit residence, to add additional units. 1st Ward Office provided zoning documents, and information on the rezoning process. (January 2022)
1910 North California Realtor reached out regarding up-zoning of a property for sale. 1st Ward Office provided zoning documents, and information on the rezoning process. (January 2022)
1416 West Grand Applicant provided proposal to demolish existing single-unit residence to establish multi-unit condominium proposal. 1st Ward Office informed applicant of the ongoing Grand Avenue zoning survey by Department of Planning and Development, and provided basic timeline for Grand Avenue rezoning in early 2022. (Received December 2021)
513 - 515 North Hartland Applicant reached out regarding construction of a single-unit residence across two parcels with different zoning designiations. 1st Ward Office advised on the interpretation of the zoning code, and recommended a zoning application for two separate structures. The 1st Ward Office recommended against building a single-unit residence that spans two parcels because West Town Community Area needs more housing. (March 2022)
1536 West Chestnut Realtor reached out regarding demolition and up-zone at this address. 1st Ward Office noted recent rehab projects occurring throughout the Ward, including zoning changes to make additional units work at those developments. 1st Ward Office recommends against demolition. (Received March 2022)
1805 North Whipple Realtor reached out regarding demolition and up-zone at this address. 1st Ward Office noted recent rehab projects occurring throughout the Ward, including zoning changes to make additional units work at those developments. 1st Ward Office recommends against demolition. (Received March 2022)
2412 - 2414 West Fullerton A developer called to inquire about purchasing two lots in order to establish 8-condo units. The 1st Ward Office recommended preservation or development options within the existing zoning, which is suitable for the majority of West Fullerton and North Western Avenue. (Received March 2022)
529 North Hartland This site was previously rezoned several years ago, but it was a Type-1 map amendment linking specific plans to the zoning designation. By Municipal Code, these plans have expired. An applicant has reached out to propose constructing a two unit building, and the 1st Ward Office has provided a Developer's Intake Packet for more information. (Received March 2022)
+ Denied or Lapsed Cases (2023)
Denied Cases (7) 1433 North Campbell Architect reached out to the 1st Ward office about a potential rezoning to demolish the existing residence and construct a three unit residence. 1st Ward Office recommended against demolition, and provided a basic zoning analysis to demonstrate that three units may be potentially built as-of-right due to exceptions in the RS-3 zoning (two flat) and Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance (coach house). (Received April 2023)
2625 West Armitage (First Inquiry) The 1st Ward Office received a completed developer's intake packet proposing a demolition of the existing 2 unit residence to establish a 3 unit residence. The 1st ward office recommended in favor of a rehabilitation of the existing property, which is a profitable development as demonstrated by the developer's own packet. (Received April 2023)
1801 North Central Park The 1st Ward Office received a redevelopment inquiry for this large manufacturing building, which will be entering the 26th Ward. The 1st Ward Office generally holds a policy of encouraging the reuse and redevelopment of Manufacturing Zoning Districts without rezoning, and connectd the applicant with industrial economic development partners to gauge options for this space. This case was also referred to Ald.-elect Fuentes for awareness, as even a manufacturing redevelopment process here will likely be a long process. (Received April 2023)
1239 North Wood (Numerous Inquiries) The 1st Ward Office receives numerous and ongoing inquiries about this property. Most recently, the 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to Alderman La Spata against a proposed hotel with a restaurant and bar component, due to the predominantly residential nature of the area and the need for more housing and affordable housing adjacent to the 'L'. (Most recent inquiry March 2023 for proposed hotel with bar and restaurant)
2050 - 2056 West Pierce A zoning attorney submitted completed 1st Ward developer's packet, proposing to add a third floor to the existing 4 unit townhome development. As of March 2023, 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to Alderman La Spata and Wicker Park Committee, citing Landmark District concerns (expanding roofline) and lack of density concerns (policy concerns include upzoning to expand single-unit residence in a Transit-Served Location; and, upzoning without increasing density). (Received February 2023)
2104 - 2108 North Western (Second Inquiry) A developer reached out regarding demolition and redevelopment of an existing mixed use building with multiple apartments and a ground floor restaurant. 1st Ward Office advised in favor of rehabilitation and redevelopment of the existing property. Upon further inquiries, including review of pro forma provided by developer, 1st Ward Office recommended opposition to Alderman La Spata due to housing cost concerns (existing property land sale has viable rehabilitation options with multi-unit residence and viable commercial space) and demolition concerns. (Received January 2023)
1536 West Chestnut (Third Inquiry) A potential purchaser reached out regarding zoning options to demolish an existing residence for the purpose of developing a new multi-unit residence. 1st Ward Office recommended a zoning map amendment to establish an Additional Dwelling Unit to rehabilitate the existing building. (Received January 2023)
Withdrawn or Lapsed Cases (8)
2109 North Bingham A contract purchased reached out regarding zoning options to establish two legal dwelling units at the existing single-unit residence with in-law suite. The 1st Ward Office connected resident with the Additional Dwelling Unit program for due diligence, and also provided 1st Ward zoning process information. Awaiting more information. (Received December 2022)
1805 North Campbell An analyst reached out regarding rezoning options for a zoning lot that current includes a single unit residence. The 1st Ward Office described their zoning process and provided zoning intake documents, and is awaiting more information. (Received November 2022; no additional update as of May 2023, the 1st Ward Office has not received a single call or email on this following the November 2022 call)
1813 North Sawyer Developer reached out regarding potential redevelopment of a vacant lot at 1813 North Sawyer. 1st Ward Office discussed preliminary zoning facts, and is collecting more information from the applicant. This case is considered withdrawn because it will become part of the 26th Ward in May 2023, and there is no longer enough time for a community process through the 1st Ward Office and zoning approval by City Council. (Received January 2023)
Conditional Affordable Housing Approval Request A developer is requesting a conditional support letter to redevelop an existing vacant lot in the 1st Ward into affordable housing. The 1st Ward Office has requested more information to properly conduct a community process. This case is considered withdrawn as of March 1, 2023, because the developer did not secure affordable housing financing. (Received January 2023)
1710 / 1714 West Augusta (Second Inquiry) A potential developer reached out regarding multi-unit residential redevelopment of the vacant portion of this lot. 1st Ward Office provided intake packet, and awaits more information. (Received November 2022; considered lapsed after no update by March 2023)
1831 North Spaulding A resident reached out to discuss an additional dwelling unit at this property. The 1st Ward Office provided preliminary information and zoning intake documents. Awaiting more information. (Received October 2022; considered lapsed after no update by March 2023)
1726 North Mozart Property owner reached out regarding a proposed addition to an existing single unit residence. 1st Ward Office provided intake documents and recommended using the City's additional dwelling unit program. Awaiting more information. (Received October 2022; considered lapsed after no update by March 2023)
1443 North Milwaukee Architect reached out regarding potential rehabilitation and redevelopment of existing mixed use building. 1st Ward Office provided zoning intake documents and requested more information. (Received September 2022; considered lapsed after no update by March 2023)